NEW DELHI 110058 the 13th July 1989.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Clauses (i), and (j) of Section 36 of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970), the Central Council of Indian Medicine with the previous sanction of the Central Government hereby makes the following Regulations further to amend the "Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) Regulations, 1986" namely:-
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) (Amendment) Regulations, 1989.
(2) These regulations shall come into force with effect from 1st day of July, 1989.
2. In the Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) Regulations, 1986 for the existing Schedule I, the following shall be substituted, namely:-
Ayurvedic education should aim at producing graduates of profound scholarship having deep basis of Ayurved with scientific knowledge in accordance with Ayurvedic fundamentals with extensive practical training who would be able and efficient teachers, research workers and Kaya Chikitsaks (Physicians) and Shalayachikitsaks (Surgeons) fully competent to serve in the medical and health services of the country.
*(i) 12th Standard with Science with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Wherever provision and facilities for teaching Sanskrit as optional subject are not available at 12th standard (Biology Science group), the students with 12th standard (Biology Science Group) be admitted and Sanskrit be taught in main course.
Uttar Madhyama of Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya with Science and English.
Any other equivalent qualification recognized by State Governments and State Education Boards concerned with the examinations.
(i) The Pre-Ayurved Course of one year duration in respect of Uttar Madhyama or Higher Secondary/PUC preferably with Sanskrit or an examination equivalent thereto and Pre-Ayurved Course of two years duration in respect of Purvamadhyama or SSLC/Matriculation preferably with Sanskrit or an examination equivalent thereto, however, will continue till 1990 if the State Government or University so desired.
(a) 15 years as on 1st October in the year of admission for first year of Pre-Ayurvedic Course.
(b) 16 years as on 1st October in the year of admission for Second Year of Pre-Ayurvedic Course.
(c) 17 years as on 1st October in the year of admission for Main Ayurvedic Course.
(i) Pre-Ayurved Course - 2/1 years.
(ii) Degree Course 5-1/2 years.
a) I Professional - 18 months
b) II Professional - 18 months
c) III Professional - 24/18 months
d) Internship - 6/12 months.
The period of internship will be of 12 months in case of total duration of course of study is covered under 4-1/2 years. In case of 12 months internship training, the six months of training be provided for clinical training under various departments. The State/University desiring to continue 6 months internship may adopt Third Professional Course of 24 months so that total duration of course including internship will be of 5-1/2 years.
The first 18 months shall be occupied in the study of the non-clinical subjects. No student shall be permitted to appear in Third Professional examination until he/she has passed in all the Second Professional subjects.
Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery).
The candidate shall be awarded Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) degree after completion of prescribed courses of study extending over the prescribed period and passing the final examination and satisfactorily completion of six months /one year compulsory internship after the final examination.
Sanskrit, Hindi or any recognized regional language.
The admission should be made strictly in accordance with the student-bed ratio of 1:3 i.e. on the basis of 3 beds in the hospital attached with the college one student should be admitted every year.
The minimum number of students to be admitted in an Ayurved college should be 20.
8.1. FIRST PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION: (To be held at the end of 1-1/2 years)
i) The first professional period shall start from 1st day of July and end on 31st December next year. The examination shall ordinarily be completed by the end of December. The Supplementary examination of First Professional shall be held within two months of declaration of result. The subsequent First Professional examination will be held every six months and failed candidates shall ordinarily be allowed 3 chances for passing First Professional.
* Provided a student failed in more than two subjects shall not be eligible to keep the term. Only those students who passed in all subjects, shall be allowed to take or Third Professional examination.
ii) The first Professional examination shall be held in the following subjects:-
1) Padarth Vigyan
*2) Astang Hridayam (Sutrasthanam)
3) Sanskrit
4) Ayurveded ka Itihas
5) Rachana Sharir
6) Kriya Sharir
iii) The candidates before presenting themselves for this examination shall obtain a certificate of completing the prescribed course of theory and practical in the prescribed subjects of the First Professional examination.
iv) A Candidate fail in one or more subjects in examination shall be eligible to appear in Supplementary examination.
v) Candidates who fails to pass the First Professional examination in three opportunities shall not be allowed to continue their studies. However, in case of personal illness of a serious nature of a candidate and in unavoidable conditions/circumstances the Vice-Chancellor of University may permit one more opportunity for passing the first professional course.
8.2. SECOND PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION: (To be held at the end of
three years)
i) The Second Professional Course shall start in January following the First Professional examination and the examination shall be held ordinarily in June/July of year after completion of three years.
ii) The Second Professional examination shall be held after 1-1/2 years of First Professional examination in the following subjects:-
1. Rasa Shastra avam Bhaishajya Kalpana
2. Dravyaguna Vigyan
3. Agada Tantra, Vyavhar Ayurved avam Vidhi Vaidyak
4. Roga Vigyan avam Vikriti Vigyanam
5. Charaka Samhita (Purvardha)
6. Swastha Vritta
(iii) A candidate must pass atleast one subject for being eligible to appear in supplementary examination.
(iv) The Supplementary examination to Second Professional shall be held ordinarily in September and those who remain failed in one or more subjects in supplementary examination shall be eligible to appear in the subsequent Second Professional examination which may be held every six month.
(v) Such candidates who pass First Professional examination in supplementary and register for the Second Professional afterwards shall not be allowed summer vacation and will have to undergo instructions during this period.
8.3. THIRD PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION: (To be held at the end of
4-1/2 /5 years)
i) The final Professional examination shall be held after three academic years after the first Professional examination and shall comprise of the following subjects:-
1. Prasuti Tantra Striroga
2. Kaumar Bhritya
3. Kaya Chikitsa
4. Shalaya Tantra
5. Shalakya Tantra
6. Charak Samhita
**7. Panchkarma
ii) If a candidate remain failed in one or more subjects in Final Professional Examinations he/she shall be eligible to appear in those subjects in subsequent Third Professional examination which may be held every sixth month.
Nine (09) months of such clinical training and three (03)months of Pharmacy/PHS/Rural Dispensaries or Hospital, shall be carried out.
Programme and time distribution will be as follows:-
1. In the beginning first three days of orientation Workshop to orient the internees to get acquainted with the details and rules of Internship training programme.
2. Distribution of Intern work-book interns.
3. Provisional Registration with concerned Board/Council before starting the internship.
4. Daily working hours not less than eight hours.
5. Nine months for clinical training, three months in a Pharmacy and three months in PHS/Rural Dispensary/Hospital/PHS as detailed below.
A. Posting in college concerned teaching hospital or any other approved Ayurved hospital for nine months as follows:-
1. Kayachikitsa 2 months
2. Shalya 2 months
3. Shalakya 1 month
4. Prasuti & Striroga 2 months
5. Kaumbarbhritya 1 month
6. Panchkarma 1 month
B. Three months training should be mainly in respect of National Health Programme in one or more following institutions:-
(a) Primary Health Centre
(b) Community Health Centre/District Hospital
(c) Any recognized Hospital of Modern Medicine by Director/Health Services/University concerned for identification of casualty and trauma cases.
(d) Any recognized Ayurved hospital or Dispensary by Director of Ayurveda/University concerned.
In cases where posting in a hospital of modern medicine is not feasible and also in PHC them entire three months posting may be Ayurvedic Dispensary/hospital.
Detail Guideline for training programme
1. Kayachikitsa 2 months
a) All routine work such as case taking, investigations, diagnosis and management of common diseases by Ayurvedic Medicine.
b) Routine clinical pathological work i.e. Hemoglobin estimation, haemogram, urine analysis, microscopic examination of blood parasites, sputum examination, stool examination, mutra evam mala pariksha by Ayurvedic method. etc. Interpretation of laboratory data and clinical findings and arriving at a diagnosis. Training in routine ward procedures.
c) Supervision of patients in respect of their diet and habits and verify medicine schedule.
2. Panchkarma - 1 month
i) Panchkarma Procedures and techniques regarding poorva karma, pradhan
karma and paschat Karma.
3. Shalya 2 months
Intern should be trained to acquaint with
i. Diagnosis and management of common Surgical disorders according to Ayurvedic Principles.
ii. Management of certain Surgical emergencies such as Fractures and Dislocations, Acute Abdomen etc.
iii. Practical implementation of aseptic and antiseptics techniques, sterilization etc.
iv. Intern should be involved in pre-operative and post-operative managements.
v. Practical use of anesthetic techniques and use of anesthetic drugs.
vi. Radiological procedures, clinical interpretation of X-ray, IVP, Barium meal, sonography etc.
vii. Surgical procedures and routine ward techniques such as:-
i. Suturing of fresh cut
ii. Dressing of wounds, burns, ulcers etc.
iii. Incision of abscesses.
iv. Excision of cysts.
v. Venesection etc.
vi. Application of Ksharsutra in fistula-in-ano
4. Shalakya 1 month
Intern should be trained to acquaint with
a) Diagnosis and management of common surgical disorders according to Ayurvedic Principles.
b) Intern should be involved in Pre-operative and Post-operative managements.
c) Surgical procedures in Ear, Nose, Throat, Dental problems, ophthalmic problems.
d) OPD examinations of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders, Refractive Error examination, ophthalmic equipments for diagnosis, ophthalmic diseases, various tests for deafness etc.
e) Procedures like Anjana Karma, Nasya, Raktamokshan, 'Karnapuran, Shirodhara, Put pak, Kawal, Gandush etc. at OPD level.
5. Prasuti & Striroga 2 months
Intern should be trained to acquaint with
a) Antenatal and post-natal problems and their remedies, Antenatal and Post-natal care.
b) Management of normal and abnormal labours.
c) Minor and major obstetric surgical procedures etc.
6. Kaumarbhritya 1 month
Intern should be trained to acquaint with
a) Antenatal and Post-natal problems and their remedies, antenatal and Post-natal care also by Ayurvedic Principles and medicine.
b) Antenatal and Post-natal emergencies.
c) Care of new born child alongwith immunization programme.
d) Important pediatric problems and their Ayurvedic managements.
B. PHC/Community Health Centre/District Hospital
Intern should get acquainted with-
i. Routine of the PHC and maintenance of their record.
ii. They should be acquainted with the routine working of the medical/non-medical staff of PHC and be always in contact with the staff in this period.
iii. They should be familiar with work of maintaining the register e.g. daily patient register, family planning register, surgical register and take active part in difference Government health schemes/programme.
iv. They should participate actively in different National Health Programmes of Government of the State/District.
C. Casualty Section of any recognized hospital of modern medicine.
Identification of casualty and trauma cases and their first aid treatment. Also procedure for referring such cases to the identified hospitals.
D. Rural Ayurvedic dispensary/Hospital
Diseases more prevalent in rural and remote areas and their management.
Teaching of health care methods to rural population and also various immunization programmes.
After completing the assignment in various sections, they have to obtain a certificate from the head of the Section in respect of their devoted work in the section concerned and finally submitted to Principal/Head of the institute so that completion of successful internship can be granted.
10 a) The following facts may be taken into consideration in determining class work in the subject:-
i) Regularity in attendance
ii) Periodical tests
iii) Laboratory record, Note book and clinical history sheets as required.
b) A class schedule card shall be maintained for each student for the different examination. The Principal shall arrange to obtain the signature of the students, teachers at the end of each course of lectures and practical instructions and send the cards to each Head of the Department for final completion before the commencement of each examination.
c) The card shall contain a statement that the student has attended not less than ¾ of theory lectures and practical classes and not less than 85% of clinical instructions of which the course consists. This card shall be submitted to the examiners as required.
a) i) A candidate obtained 75% marks in the subject shall be awarded
distinction in the subject.
ii) A candidate obtaining an aggregate of 75% in the following subjects shall be declared passed in final examination with honours:-
1. Padarthavigyan
2. Rachana Sharir/Kriya Sharir
3. Dravyaguna Vigyan/Rasashastra
4. Kayachikitsa/Rog Vigyan
5. Shalaya Tantra/Shalakya Tantra/Prasuti Tantra
iii) Only those candidates shall be considered for honours or distinction who have passed the degree examination in the first attempt each part. As regards for distinction in subjects, only those will be qualified for distinction who passed the respective professional examination in the first attempt.
(b) If a candidate has passed at least in one subject of the Professional examination and failed in one or more subjects, securing not less than 35% marks, shall be eligible to appear at the supplementary examination. The aggregate shall be calculated in theory and practical combined.
(c) The minimum pass marks shall be 50% in theory and practical separately in each
Subject |
No.of Papers |
Total Marks in theory |
Total Marks in practical/oral |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1. |
Ayurved ka Itihas |
One |
100 |
- |
2. |
Sanskrit |
Two |
200 |
50 |
3. |
Padarth Vigyan |
Two |
200 |
50 |
*4. |
Ashtang Hridayam |
One |
100 |
50 |
5. |
Rachana Sharir |
Two |
200 |
200 |
6. |
Kriya Sharir |
Two |
200 |
100 |
7. |
Swastha Vritta |
Two |
200 |
100 |
8. |
Dravyaguna Vigyan |
Two |
200 |
200 |
9. |
Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana |
Two |
200 |
100 |
10. |
Agad Tantra Vyavhar Ayurved evam Vidhi Vaidyak |
One |
100 |
100 |
11. |
Rog Vigyan evam Vikriti Vigyan |
Two |
200 |
100 |
12. |
Charak Samhita |
One |
100 |
50 |
13. |
Prasutitantra evam Striroga |
Two |
200 |
100 |
14. |
Kaumarbhrittya |
One |
100 |
100 |
**15. |
Kayachikitsa |
Three |
300 |
150 |
16. |
Shalyatantra |
Two |
200 |
100 |
17. |
Shalakyatantra |
Two |
200 |
100 |
18. |
Charak Samhita |
One |
100 |
50 |
**19. |
Panchkarma |
One |
100 |
50 |
Lectures |
Practicals & Demonstration |
1 |
Ayurved ka Itihas |
60 |
-- |
2. |
Sanskrit |
150 |
-- |
3. |
Padarth Vigyan |
150 |
30 |
*4. |
Ashtang Hridayam |
60 |
-- |
5. |
Rachana Sharir |
210 |
210 |
6. |
Kriya Sharir |
210 |
90 |
7. |
Swastha Vritta |
180 |
50 |
8. |
Dravyaguna Vigyan |
180 |
90 |
9. |
Rasashastra avam Bhaishajya Kalpana |
180 |
90 |
10. |
Agad Tantra, Vyavhar Ayurved avam Vidhi
100 |
50 |
11. |
Rog Vigyan Avam Vikriti Vigyan |
180 |
90 |
12. |
Charak Samhita |
100 |
-- |
13. |
Prasuti Tantra Avam Striroga |
150 |
In hospital 3 months |
14. |
Kaumar Bhritya |
90 |
1 month |
**15. |
Kayachikitsa |
300 |
9 months |
16. |
Shalya Tantra |
210 |
6 months |
17. |
Shalakya Tantra |
210 |
4 months |
18. |
Charka Samhita |
100 |
-- |
**19. |
Panchkarma |
100 |
3 months |
The period of theory and practical shall not be less than 60 minutes (one hour) duration. The duration of the practical of clinical subjects and Rachana Sharir (Dissection) shall be of at least 120 minutes (two hours).
13.2. The clinical training in the hospital attached with college to the students shall be as below:-
Kayachikitsa (Indoor & Outdoor): 9 Months
a) General 6 months
b) X-ray 1 month
c) Atyayik 2 months
Panchakarma (Indoor &Outdoor): 3 Months
Shalya Tantra (Indoor & Outdoor): 6 Months
a) General 5 months (atleast one month in OT)
b) Atyayik 1 month
Shalakya Tantra (Indoor & Outdoor): 4 Months
a) General 3 months (atleast one month in OT)
b) Atyayik 1 month
Prasuti Tantra Avam Striroga (Indoor & Outdoor): 3 Months
Kaumar Bhritya (Indoor & Outdoor): 1 Month
14. Qualifications & Experince for teaching staff:
(Applicable for recruitments made after 1st July, 1989).
a) A degree in Ayurved from a University established by law or a statutory Board/Faculty/Examining Body of Indian Medicine or its equivalent as recognized under Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
b) A Post-graduate qualification in the subject/specialty concerned included in the schedule to Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970.
(c) Adequate knowledge of Sanskrit.
For the Post of Professor: Total teaching experience of ten years in the subject is necessary out of which there should be five years teaching experience as Reader/Associate Professor or ten years experience as a Lecturer in the concerned subject wherever the posts of Reader/Associate Professors do not exist.
For the Post of Reader: Total teaching experience of five years in the subject is necessary out of which there should be three years teaching experience as Lecturer in the subject concerned.
For the Post of Lecturer: No teaching experience is required.
For the Post of Principal: The qualification and experience prescribed for the Post of professor should be considered essential for the Post of Principal.
a) Original published papers/books on the subject.
NOTE If the Post-graduate qualification holders for the following subjects are not
available, the Post-graduate qualification obtained in the subject as
noted against the subject shall be admissible:-
Subject |
Discipline of Post-graduate |
1. |
Swastha Vritta |
1. Kayachikitsa 2. Basic Principles |
2. |
Agad Tantra |
1. Dravyaguna 2. Kayachikitsa |
3. |
Padarth Vigyan/Samhita/Itihas |
1.Basic Priniciple |
4. |
Rog Vigyan |
1. Kaya Chikitsa |
5. |
Rachana Sharir/Kriya Sharir |
1. Sharir 2. Basic Principle |
6. |
Shalakya |
1. Shalakya/Shalya |
7. |
Nischetna Avam Ksha-kiran |
Shalya and/Shalakya |
**8. |
Panchkarma |
Kayachikitsa |
Applicable w.e.f. 2nd April, 2011
***In absence of the candidate of Post-graduate qualification in concern subject the candidate of the following subjects as mentioned against them shall be eligible for the post of Lecturer/Assistant Professor:-
S.No. |
Subject |
Discipline Post-graduate |
1. |
Swastha Vritta |
1. |
Kayachikitsa |
2. |
Agadtantra |
2. |
Dravyaguna/Rasashastra |
3. |
Rog Vigyan |
3. |
Kayachikitsa |
4. |
Rachna Sharir |
4. |
Shalya |
5. |
Kriya Sharir |
5. |
Samhita Siddhant |
6. |
Shalakya |
6. |
Shalya |
7. |
Panchkarma |
7. |
Kayachikitsa |
8. |
Balroga |
8. |
Prasuti & Striroga/Kayachikitsa |
9. |
Kayachikitsa |
9. |
Manasroga |
A provision of allied subject will be allowed for five years.
b. the teacher(s) who had been considered eligible in the past on the basis of previous Regulations shall not be considered ineligible on the basis of amendment.
Appointment of Examiner in Ayurved:
No person other than approved teacher with five years teaching experience in the concerned subject shall be considered eligible to the examiner.
Central Council of Indian Medicine
*Amended vide notification No.28-13/2005-Ay. Dated 21-27th January 2007 vide Indian Medicine Central Council Minimum Standards of Education (Amendment) Regulations, 2005.
** Amended vide notification No.28-14/2010 UG regulation Dated 06.10.10 vide Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) (Amendment) Regulation 2010.
*** Amended vide notification SO No.14 dated 02.4.11 vide Indian Medicine Central Council (Minimum Standards of Education in Indian Medicine) (Amendment) Regulation 2011.