Nisabe Taleem of Kamile Tib wa Jarahat Syllabus of

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery

5 ½ Year Degree Course

(English Translation)

Central Council of Indian Medicine

61-65, Industrial Area,


New Delhi - 110058





Tashreehul Badan (Anatomy)


1.         Tashreehul Badan ka ta'aruf (Introduction of Anatomy):

a.         Nizame Jismani ka mukhtasar ta' aruf (A brief description of all systems of the body).

b.         Tashreehi waz'a wa Muta'alliqa istilahat (Anatomical position and related terminologies)

c.         Jild aur us ke zawaid (Skin and its appendages)

d.         Lafaife satahiya wa ghaairah (Superficial and deep Fasciae)

e          Autar, Ribatat aur Akyase zulaliya (Tendon, Ligaments & Bursae)

f.          Izaam (Bones): Aqsaam, af’aal wa ta'azzum (Types, functions and ossification)

g.         Azlaat ( Muscles): Aqsaam wa af'aal (Types and functions)

h.         Mafasil (Joints): Aqsaam wa harakat (Types and movements)


2.         Ilmul janeen (Embryology): Ijmali Ta'aruf aur itlaqi ahmiyat

(Introduction and applied importance)


3. Ibtidae Ilmun Nasl (Elementary Genetics)


Raas wa Unq (Head and Neck)


A.    Raas (Head)


a.         Izaam raas wa waj'h (Cranial and facial bones)

b.         Farwatur raas (Scalp)

c.         Azlaat (Muscles)

d.         Urooq wa Asaab (Vessels and nerves)

e.         A'azae Nizame  Hazm (Digestive organs): Jaufe fam, Lissa, Asnaan wa Halaq (Oral cavity, gums, teeth and pharynx)

f.          A'azae Tanaffus (Respiratary organs): Anaf, jaufe anf wa Khalaye hawaiyah (Nose, nasal

cavity              and Paranasal sinuses)

g.         Uzn (Ear)

h.         Mashmoolate Mihjar (Contents of Orbit): Aj'faan (Eyelids)' Aalate dam'a (Lacrimal apparatus) and Muqlatul Ain (Eye ball)

1. Ghudade Lu'abiya (Salivary glands)


B. Unq (Neck)


a.         Musallasate Unq (Triangles of the Neck)

b.         Azlaate Unq (Muscles of the Neck)

c.         Urooq wa a'asab (Vessels and nerves)

d.         Hanjarah wa Qasbatur'riyah (Larynx and Trachea)

e.         Mari (Oesophagus)

f.          Raas wa Unq ke Ghudade Lymphawiyah (Lymph nodes of Head and neck)

g.         FuqrateUnq (Cervical Vertebrae)

h.         Ghudade Darqiyah wa Jarud darqiyah (Thyroid and parathyroid glands)


c. Nizame A'asab wa Dimagh (Nervous system and Brain)


a.         Dimagh (Brain)

b.         Nukha'a (Spinal Cord)

c.         A'asabe Nukha wa Dimaghi (Cranial and Spinal nerves)


D. Sadr (Thorax)


a.         Jaufe Sadr (Thoracic Cavity)

b.         Azla'a, Azmul Qas wa fuqraate sadr (Ribs, Sternum and Thoracic Vertebrae)

c.         Azlaate sadr (Muscles of the Thorax)

d.         Ghishaurriyah wa riyatain (Pleura and Lungs)

e.         Hijabe munassifus sadr wa mashmoolat (Mediastinum & its contents)

f.          Urooq wa A'asab aur majrae sadr (Vessels, Nerves and Thoracic duct)

g.         Ghilaful qalb wa Qalb (pericardium and Heart)

h.         Hijabe Hajiz (Diaphragm)

i.          Saddyain  : Mammary Glands 



Tashreehul Badan (Anatomy)




Batan (Abdomen)


a.         Hisase Batan (Abdominal regions)

b.         Deeware  batan (Abdominal wall)

c.         Bareetoon (Peritoneum)

d.         Ah’shae batan (Abdominal visecra)

e.         Fuqraate qutn (Lumbar vertebrae)

f.          Urooq wa A'asab (Vessels and nerves)


A'ana wa ejan (Pelvis and perineum)


a.         Azme ajuz wa- us’us (Sacrum and coccyx)

b.         Azlaate a'ana (Muscles of pelvis)

c.         Ah’shae Aana (Pelvic viscera)

d.         Urooq wa A'asab (Vessels and Nerves)


Tarfe  A'ala (Upper Limb)


a.         Izam (Bones)

b.         Azlaat (Muscles)

c.         Mafasil (Joints)

d.         Ibt wa hufrae mirfaqiyah (Axilla and Cubital fossa)

e.         Urooq wa A'asab (Vessels and nerves)


Tarfe Asfal (Lower Limb)


a.         Izaam (Bones)

b.         Azlaat (Muscles)

c.         Mafasil (Joints)

d.         Urooq wa A'asab (Vessels and nerves)

e.         Hufrajat (Fossae):    i. Musallase Fakhzi (Femoral triangle)

ii. Qanate Muqarribah (Adductor canal)    iii. Hufrae mabiziyah (Popliteal fossa)




1.         Demonstration of the parts of Body by dissection

2.         Demonstration of bones and skeleton by models, charts and specimens.

3.         Record book has to be maintained by the students and will be submitted at the time of Practical Examination duly signed by the concerned Teacher

4.         Dissection to be supplemented with Audio-Visual aids and other modern techniques available, e.g. CD's etc





A)        While teaching the various regions of the human body, the descriptions of bones, joints, muscles, blood vessels, nerves etc. shall be brief. However, emphasis shall be given on the clinical, applied and radiological aspects of anatomy.


B)        Monthly seminar is to be conducted essentially to develop research attitude among the students.



Munafe ul Aaza (Physiology)


                                           PAPER - I


Chapter-1  Munafeul Aaza ki Tareef (Definition of Physiology)

Tamheed wa Istilahat (Introduction & Terminologies of Physiology)


Chapter-2       Khaliya (Cell): Khurdbeeni Saakht wa

Af’aal (Microscopic structure of cell & its functions) Taqseeme Khaliya (cell division), Sartani khaliyaat (Cancerous cells).


Chapter-3       Ansija,Tareef and Aqsaam (Tissues,definition &types)                      

Khurdbeeni Sakht (Histological structure),    

 Naseeje  Bashri, NaseejeWasil, Naseeje Azli wa Naseeje Asabi ka phailao wa af’aal (Distribution & functions of Epithelial, Connective, Muscular and Nervous Tissues)

Chapter-4       IImul Khalq (Genetics): Tamheed (Introduction)

Khuyoote Nasliya ka mutalea (study of chromosomes), Deoxyribonucliyae Tursha

(Deoxyribonucleic Acid), Ribonucliyaee Tursha (Ribonucleic Acid), Jinsi Amraaz ka ta’ruf (Introduction of sexual diseases)

Chapter-5       Dam (Blood): Nizame Tauleede Dam (Haemopoietic System) Tareekh wa Irtiqae Dam (History & Evolution of Blood), Ta’reef (Definition) Af’aal (Functions), Dam ka Hajam (Blood volume) Dam ke Ajzae tarkeebi (composition of blood)


Kurriyate Hamra (red blood corpuscles), saakht (structure) Ajzae tarkeebi (composition), tauleed wa numu (formation and development), anjam (fate), majmui ta’dad (total count), Shumar karne ka tareeqa (method of estimation), failiyyati ikhtilaf (physiological variation)                                  Humratuddam (Haemoglobin), Ajzae tarkeebi (composition) Aqsaam (types), khawas (properties), takhmeen ke tareeqay (estimation), humratuddam ke af’aal (functions of haemoglobin)

Kurriyate baiza (white blood corpuscles), tauleed wa Aqsaam (formation & types), tafreeqi ta’dad (differential count), af’aal (functions)

Aqraase damwiya (Blood platelets), tauleed (formation), saakht (structure), af’aal (functions) Injimaduddam (blood coagulation): Injimadud dam ke awamil (coagulation factors), waqfae injimaduddam (clotting-time), waqfae jiryanuddam (bleeding time), takhmeen ke tareeqay (methods of estimation). Dam ki groh bandi (blood grouping), intiqaluddam (blood transfusion), Dam ki banking (blood banking) Manaat (immunity), T4 khaliyyat ka taaruf (introduction of T4 cells)

Chapter-6 Nizame Lymnphawiya wa Nizame Shabki Bashri Batani (Lymphatic & Reticulo-Endothelial Systems): Rutoobate Lymphawia ki tauleed wa tarkeeb (formation & composition of lymph), Urooqe Lymphawiya (Lymphatic Channels), Rutoobate Lymphawia ka Dauran (circulation of Lymph), Ghudade Lymphawiya (Lymphatic Glands).

Nizame Shabkiya Batina ki Tamheed wa af’aal (Introduction & functions of Reticulo­Endothelial System), Tihal aur uskay af’aal (Spleen & its functions).

Chapter-7 Nizame Hazm (Digestive System): Tamheed (Introduction), Khurdbeeni

Sakht (Histological structure of Alimentary tract), Ghudade Luabia (Salivary Glands), RutoobateHazima ka Tarash’shuh, Tarkeeb wa Afal (Secretion, composition & functions of  Digestive juices), Qanate Ghizaee ki harakat aur unkay af’aal (movements of alimentary canal & their functions) Mawade Nashaiya, Mawade Lahmiya aur Mawade shahmiya ka Hazm wa Injizab (Digestion & absorption of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats), Am’aae ­Ghilaz kay Af’aal (functions of large Intestines), Fuzle ki banawat (formation of faeces), Ikhraje Baraz (defaecation), Kabid ki saakht wa af’aal (structure & functions of Liver).


Chapter-8.  Istihala (Metabaulism): Tareef (Definition), Bunyadi Istihale ki sharah (Basal Metabaulic Rate), Bunyadi Istihale kay failiyatee taghayyurat (Physiological variations of B.M.R.)

Tawanaee (Energy): Tareef (Definition), Tawanaee ki Ikaiyan (Units of Energy). Mawad­e-Nashaiya ki Aqsaam aur unka Istihala (classification of Carbohydrates & their Metabaulism).

Chapter-9  Nizame Daurane Dam (Blood Circulatory System): Nizame Qalb wa Urooq ka Tashreehi Mutaliaa (Anatomical study of Cardio Vascular System), Qalbi wa Urooqi Nizam ki Khurdbeeni Sakht (Histological structure of Cardio Vascular System), Simamate Qalb ki Tashreeh aur unkay af’aal (Anatomy of Cardiac Valves and their actions), Daurane Dam kay Aqsaam (types of Blood Circulation), Daurane dam Umoomi wa Rewi (Systemic & Pulmonary Blood circulation), Qalb kay Makhsoos Ittisali Ansija (special junctional tissues of the Heart) Azlae Qalb ki Khusoosiyat (properties & characteristics of cardiac muscle), Daurae Qalbi (Cardiac cycle). Aswat­e Qalb (Heart sounds), Suqoote Qalb (Heart Block), Zarbae Qalb (Heart Beat), Hajame Zarbi (Stroke Volume), Asaabe Qalb (Nerves of the Heart), Markaze Qalb aur uskay af’aal (Cardic centre  & its functions), Qalbi Barq  nigari (ECG)

Chapter-l0  Nizame urooqi haraki (vasomotor system):Fisharuddam aur uskay failiyati awaamil (blood pressure and its physiological factors), fisharuddam ki paimaish kay mukhtalif tareeqay (different methods of blood pressure measurement), muqami daurane dam (regional blood circulation), dauranedam ikleeli, daurane  dam dimaghi, daurane dam kabidi/babi, daurane dam tihali wa daurane dam janeeni (viz: coronary, cerebral, hepatic/portal, splenic and foetal circulation), aaza par warzish kay asraat (effects of exercise on various organs)

Chapter-11    Nizame tanaffus (respiratory system): tanaffusi aaza ki tamheed (introduction of the various  respiratory organs), nizame tanaffus kay af’aal (functions of respiratory system), suaale maakoos (coughing reflex), atse ­maakoos (sneezing reflex), a’zaae tanaffus ki khurdbeeni sakht (histological structure of respiratory organs), amale tanaffus ka maikania (mechanism of respiration), az’laate tanaffus (respiratory muscles), oxygen aur carbondioxide ki muntaqilee (transport of oxygen & carbon dioxide), ria aur ansija main gases ka tabadila (gaseous exchange in lungs and tissues), amale tanaffus par asabi wa keemiyawi iqtidar (nervous & chemical control  on respiration), marakize tanaffus (respiratory centres), masnui tanaffus aur uskay mukhtalif tareeqay (artificial respiration & its different­ methods), Hajame  raewia (pulmonary volume), wasate raewia (pulmonary capacity), usre tanaffus (dyspnoea), qillite baad (anoxia), dushwarie tanaffus (apnoea), izdiyade tanaffus (hypercapnoea), satahe murtafai kay failiyati asraat (physiological effects of high altitude ), gehray pani kay failiyati asraat (physiological effects of deep water).


Munafeul Aza (Physiology)


Chapter -1

Nizame ikhraje baul (Excretory system): Aazae baul ka mutala (study of the organs of urinary system), Killiya ki saakht aur uskay af’aal (structure and functions of kidney), baul ki paidaish (formation of urine), baul ki tarkeeb (composition of urine), baul kay tabaee wa ghair tabaee ajza ka mutala (study of normal and abnormal constituents of urine), baul ki miqdar (volume of urine), kilwi ikaee aur uqoode anabeebe baulia kay af’aal (functions of nephrons & their glomeruli), baul ka radde amal aur wazane makhsoos (reaction & specific gravity of urine), hararate badaniya kay aitidal main kilyatain ka amal (role of kidneys in the maintenance of normal body temperature). Turshi qalawi tawazun (acid ­base balance), ikhraaje baul ka amal [tabawwul] (micturition).


Jild (skin): Jild ki saakht (structure of skin), jild kay af’aal (functions of skin), paseene ka tarash’shuh [taareeq] (perspiration), hararate ghareezia/badaniya aur uska tawazun (thermo regulation in the body) ghair tabaee haratebadaniya wa qillate hararate ­badaniya [intiqase hararat] (abnormal & sub-normal temperature).


Nizame tauleed wa tanasul (reproductive system): Mardana azae tauleed wa tanasul ka tamheedi bayan (introduction of male reproductive organs), khussiya aur uskay af’aal (testis & its functions), auiyae mani aur uskay af’aal (seminal vesicles & their functions), ghuddae mani aur uskay af’aal (prostate gland & its functions), mani kay ajzae tarkeebi (composition of semen), haiwane manwiya kay irtiqaee madarij (spermatogenesis), zanana aazae tanasul ka bayan (female reproductive organs), reham aur khusiyatur reham kay af’aal (functions of uterus and ovaries), daurae tams (menstrual cycle), dauraetams par estrogen aur progestrone kay asaraat ( effects of estrogen & progestrone on menstruation), ikhraje baiza (ovulation), bar aawari wa istiqraare hamal (fertilization & implantation). Mashima ki banawat aur uskay af’aal (formation & functions of placenta).


Nizame assab (nervous system): Nizame asbi ke aam usool (general principles of nervous system), synapses, cerebellum aur uske af’aal (cerebellum and its function) thalamus aur uske af’aal (thalamus & its function), cereberum aur uske af’aal (cereberum and its functions), cerebral cortex aur uske af’aal (cerebral cortex & its functions ), naum (sleep), ghair iradi nizame asabi (autonomous nervous system), hypothalamus aur uske af’aal (hypothalamus and its functions).  


Aazae Hawase khaassa (special sensory organs): Zaiqua (taste), Basarat (vision), Sama’at (hearing),  Sha’mma (smell), Lams (touch) and sensory organs.



Nizame ghudade la qanati (endocrine system): Ghudade la qanati ka aam bayan (general description of endocrine glands) guddae Nukhamia(pituitary gland), guddae Darqiya (thyroid gland), guddae Jaruddarqia (parathyroid gland), guddae Taimoosiya (thymus gland), banqaraas (pancreas), guddae­ fauqul kilya (supra renal gland), khusiyatur reham( ovaries), khusiyatain (testes), mazkoora tamam ghudud ke raseelaat wa af’aal (hormones of all endocrine glands and their functions).



Hayateen (vitamins) : Hayateen ka aam bayan (general description of vitamins), shaham main halpazeer hayateen:A,D,E,K  (fat soluble vitamins: A,D,E,K )  Pani main halpazeer hayateen: aqsaame B,C, aur P (water soluble vitamins: B.complex, C & P)

Munafe-ul-Aaza—Juze Amali (Phvsiology- Practicals)


1. Mukhtalif aazae  badaniya ki khurdbeeni saakht ka mutalia alwah ki madad se (histological studies of various body organs with the help of slides).


2. Humratuddam ki takhmeen (estimation of haemoglobin), kurriyaate ­humra ki theh nasheeni ki takhmeen (estimation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate) waqfae injimaaduddam wa jiryanuddam ki takhmeen (estimation of clotting & bleeding time), kurriyaate baiza ka majmuee shumaar (total leucocyte count), kurriyaate baiza ka taf’reeqee shumaar (differential leucocyte count).


3. Hayatiyati keemiya (bio-chemistry): Dam main shakare angoori ki takhmeen (estimation of blood sugar), khud kaar aalae tajziya ka istemaal (the use of auto analyzer), dam ki giroh bandi (blood grouping).


4. Mutaaliae baul (urine examination): qaaroorah main shakare angoori, mawaade ­lehmiya baizawi, acetone, bile salts aur bile pigments ka imtihaan wa takhmeen (examination & estimation of sugar, albumin, acetone, bile salts and bile pigments in the urine).


5. Tajarbaat (experiments) :Jjal thalya haiwanon mas’lan maindak ki azalaati wa aasabi tehreekaat ka mushaahida (experimental observation of muscular & nervous activities of amphibians like frog), qalbi barq nigari (ECG), Dimaghi barq nigari (EEG), Aalae paimaaisheaf’aale riya par tajarabat wa  mushahida (observation and demonstrations of spirometer), Aala­e minzarul ain, aalae miftahul uzn, aalae mismaaus sadr kay istemal (the uses of ophthalmoscope, otoscope and stethoscope), Aalae fisharuddam ka tareeqae istemal (the use of sphygmomanometer), Shobae munafeul aaza main mukhtalif anaaween par symposium ka in’iqaad (organization of departmental symposiums on various topics).



Umoore Tabiyah

(Basic principles of Unani Medicine)

1.         Definition of Ilme Tib (Medicine)

2.         Subject and objectives of Tib

3.         Classification of Tib with suitable examples

4.         Definition of Tabeiya't (Physis or Medicatrix Naturae) and its functions

5.         Tools of Tabeiya't wa Mana'at (physis and Immunity)

6.         Definition and importance of Umoore  Tabeiyah (Principles of Physis)

7.         Number of Umoore Tabeiyah  with their brief description

8.         Definition of Arkan or Anasir (Elements)

9.         Concept of Arkane Arba (Four Elements)

10.       Basis of Arkane Arba (Four Elements)

11.       Physical positions of Arkan

12.       Properties of the Arkan (Elements) and their significance

13.       Modern concept of Elements

I4.        Classification of the Arkan according to their physical appearance

15.       Definition of Mizaj (Temperament)

16.       Classification of the Mizaje Mutadil (Equable or Balanced temperament)

17.       Mizaje Ghair Mutadil  or Sue Mizaj (Unequable or Imbalanced temperament)     

            according to the states and matter

18.       Hararate Ghariziah (Innate or Intrinsic heat)

19.       Mizaje Asnan (Temperament of different ages)

20        Mizaje Aqaleem (Temperament of different regions of Earth)

21.       Mizaje Insani (Human temperament)

22.       Shinakhte Mizaje Insani (Identification of Human temperament)

23.       Importance of the Mizaj with respects to drugs and therapeutics

24.       Definition of Akh’lat (Humours) and their general description

25.       Description and discussion o f Akhlate Arba' (Four Humours)

26.       Description of Dam (Blood), with classification and function

27.       Description of Balgham (Phelgm), with classification and function

28.       Description of Saf’ra (Bile), with classification and function

29.       Description of Sauda (Black Bile), with classification and function

30.       Basis of Akh’late Arba (Four Humours)

31.       Production of Ak’hlat (The Humours)

32.       Brief description of Huzume Arba' (Four Digestions)

33.       General description of A’za (Organs) and their classification

34.       Definition of A'zae Mufradah (Simple Organs).    

35.       Definition,classification and functions of the following organs:

a)'Azm ( Bone),

b).Ghuzruf (Cartilage),

c) Ribat (Ligaments), 

            d) Wat'r ( Tendon), 

            e) Asab  (Nerve), 

            f) Ghisha ( Membrane),

            g) Laham (Flesh),

            h) Shaham (Fat),

            i) Shiryan (Arteries) and vareed (Veins),

36.       Theory of Abu Sahl M seehi about A'zae Mufradah (Simple Organs)

37.       Inclusion of Sha'r (Hair), Zufr (Nail) and Mukh (Marrow) in A 'zae Mufradah

38.       Definition of A 'zae Murakkaba (Compound Organs) with their classification

39.       Definition of A 'zae Raisah (Vital Organs) and their classification

40.       Definition of A 'zaeKhadimah (Subordinate Organs)

41.       Definition of 'Uzue Mu'ti (Donor Organ) and their classification

42.       Definition of 'Uzue Qabil (Recepeint Organ) and their classification

43.       Different interpretations of Ruh (pneuma) and its classification

44.       General description of Ruh with classification

45.       Concept of Ruh (Pneuma) according to different Unani Scholars

46.       Functions of Ruh and its routes

47.       Ruh and Tarwih (oxygenation)

48.       Concentration of Ruh at certain location

49.       Concept of Akhlate Kasifah (Humours) and Latifah ( Ruh or Pneuma)

50        Definition of Quwa (Powers or Faculties) with classification and funcitons

51.       Quwwate Nafsaniyah (Psychic or Mental Faculty)

52.       Quwwate Muharrikah (Motor Faculty)

53.       Quwwate Mudrikah (Faculty of Perception)

54.       Hawase Khamsah Zahirah (Five Special Senses)

55.       Quwwate Basirah (Power of Vision)

56.       Quwwate Sami'ah (Power of Hearing)

57.       Quwwate Shammah (Power of Smell)

58        Quwwate Za’iqah (Power of Taste)

59.       Quwwate Lamisah (power of Tactile Sensation)

60.       Hawase Khamsah Batinah (Intellectual Senses)

61.       Hisse Mushtarak (power of Composite Senses)

62        Quwwate Mutakhayyalah (power of reasoning and imagination)

63.       Quwwate Khayal (Power of Perception)

64.       Quwwate Hafizah (Power of Memory)                                             

65.       Quwwate Mutasarrifah (Power of modification)

66.       Quwwate Waahimah (Power of apprehension)

67.       Quwwate Haywaniya (Vital Faculties)

68.       Quwwate Fa'ilah and Munfa'ilah (Active and Passive  power)    

69.      Advantages of Inqibaze Qalb wa Inbisate Qalb (Systolic and Diastolic movements of the Heart)

70.       Why the Heart beats? Discussion

71.       Brief description of Daurane Khoon  (Blood Circulation )

72.       Advantages of the movements of Ruh

73.       Definition and Classification of QuwwateTabeiya (Physical Power)

74.       Definition and functions of Quwwate Ghaziah (Power of assimilation)

75.       Definition and functions of Quwwate Namiah (Power of formation)

76.       Detailed description of SharaeteTaghziah (Conditions of nutrition)

77.       Functional stages of Quwwate Ghaziah (Power of assimilation)

78.       Definition and functions of Quwwate Mutaghayyarah (Power of transformation)

79.       Detailed description of Taghayyurate Ghiza (Metabaulism of Nutrients)

80.       Definition and functions of Quwae Tabeiya Khadimah (Subordinate Physical powers)

81.       Definition and functions of Quwae Jazibah, Masikah, Hazimah wa Dafiah (Powers of absorption, retention, digestion and excretion)

82.      Detailed description of Huzume Arba' (Four Digestions)

83.       Description of Haz'me Me'di (The Elementary Digestion)

84.      Description of Haz'me Kabidi (The Hepatic Digestion)

85.       Description of Haz'me Uruqi (Vascular Digestion)

86.       Description of Haz'me Uzwi (Cellular Digestion)

87.       Definition and classification of Quwwate Tanasuliyah (Power of reproduction)

88.       Definition and functions of Quwwate Muwallidah (Generative Power)

89.       Definition and functions of Quwwate Musawwirah (Moulding Power)

90.       Definition and classification of Af’aal (functions) according to Quwa (Powers)



Mantiq wa Falsafa wa I1mul Hay'at

(Logic, Philosophy and Astronomy)

A- Mantiq (Logic)

1.         Definition, aims and objects

2.         Ilm (Knowledge) and Idrak (Perception), Kinds of Ilm , Tasawwur (Imagination) and Tasdeeq  

(Judgement) and its classification.

3.         Mu'arrif or Qawle Shaareh (Made known), Daleel or Hujjat (Argument)

4.         Dalaalat (evidence): Definition and kinds. Lafz (Word): Definition and classification.

5.         Mafhum Juzwi wa Kulli (Definition of Individual /Particular and generals and their kinds.   

           Nasabe Arba (Four Relations)

6.         Qazaya, Qaziyyah Hamliyya and its Kinds; Kinds of Qaziyya Shartiyah: Muttasilah wa


7.         Bahas (Discussion), Tanaaquz (Contradiction) Bahase 'Aks (Contradictory Discussion)

8.         Kinds of Hujjat (Argument): Qayas (Hypothesis/ Analogy) Istiqra (Induction), Tamseel   



B- Falsafa (Philosophy)


1-         Hikmat (philosophy): Definition, kinds, aims and objects

2-         Jism (Body): Jisme Tabaee (Physical body), Jisme Talimi,

Hayula (Matter) , Definition of Surate Jismiyah (Body Shape) and Sfuat 'i Nauiyah (Species


3-         Definition of Makan (Space), Hayyiz (locus) and Shakl (Shape)

4-         Harkat wa Sukoon (Movement and Rest): Definition, aims, objects kinds and conditions

5-         Zamaanah (Time) : Definition and Explanation

6-         'Anaasir (Elements): Definition, kinds, conditions and temperament (with brief introduction)

7-         Kawn wa Fasaad (Construction and Destruction) Murakkabate Taammah (Complete compound) Jamadaat  (Minerals), Nabataat (Plants) and Nafse Nabati (Botanical Reason), Nafse Haiwani (Animal Reason), Nafse Natiqa (Human Reason) and Faculties working under them. Definitions of incomplete compounds along with examples.


c- Hay'at (Astronomy)


1-         Definition of Ilmul Hay' at (Astronomy) and its relation with Tib (Medicine)

2-         Khate Sartan (Tropic of Cancer), Khate Jadi (Tropic of Capricorn), Khate estiwa (Equator),

Khate  Mintaqatul Buruj (Zodiac Line)

3-         Daira Muaddilun Nahar (Meridian Circle)


D. Elementary Ilmun Nafs (Psychology)


1-         Definition and kinds of Ilmun Nafs (Psychology)

2-         Introduction to Ihsas (Feelings), Idrak (Perception), Mushahidah (Observation) and Tawajjuh (Attention). Description of relationship of Ilmun Nafs (psychology) with Tib (Medicine)






1.         Kalimah (word) and its kinds, Ism (Noun), Fael (Verb), Harf (Particle)

2.         Kalam (Sentence) and its kinds

3.         Kalame Tam (Complete Sentence): Jumlah Faeliyah (Verbal Sentence)

4.         Kalame Naqis (Incomplete Sentence) Murakkabe Ishari

(Directive construction), Murakkabe zaifi (Possession construction),

5.         Kinds of Ism (Noun) according to Tareef (Definite Noun) Tankeer (Indefinite Noun)

6.         Isme Marifah (Definite Noun) ,and its kinds with the mention of Muaraf bil lam (Noun with definite article) (with explanation of Hurufe Shamsiyyah and Qamariyyah)

7.         Ierab (Defining Inflection Sign): Definition and Division: Ierab bil huroof (by letters) and Ierab bil Harkat (by signs)

8.         Fael (Verb) and its kinds according to Zamanah (Tense): Mazi (past), Hal (Present) and Mustaqbil (Future)

9.         Fael Sulaasi Mujarrad (Triliteral Primitive) and its Abwab (Sections)

10.       Gardaan (Conjugation) of Mazi Past tense) and Seghi (Moods)

11.       Gardaan (Conjugtation) of Muzdare (Aorist) and Seghi (Moods)

12.       Division of Maazi (Past) and Muzare (Aorist) according to Marif (Active) and Majhool    


13.       Gardaan (Conjugation) of Faele Amr wa Nahi (Imperative and Prohibitive Verbs)

14.       Division of Ism (Noun): Isme Jaamid (Infinitive Noun), Masder (Origin/Source), Mushtaq   

            (Derivative), Isme Fa’el (Active Participle Noun), Isme Maf’ool (Passive Participle

            Noun), Isme Zarf (Noun of place) and Isme Tafzeel (Comparative and Superlative Noun)

15.       Marfual (Nominative  cases), Mansubat (Accusative cases) and Majrooat (Genetive cases)

16.       Dama'ar Marfooah wa Majrurah wa Mansubah (Pronouns in Nominative, Accusative and Genetive cases) Asmai Isharahjat (Demonstrative Pronoun)


Asmai Istifham (Interrogative Pronouns), Mawsulat (Relative Pronouns)




17. Arabi Tibi Istilahat (Arabic Medical Terms) and their uses in sentences



Tareekhe Tib wa Akhlaqiat

(History of Medicine & Medical Ethics)

1.         Origin of Medicine and its primary centers; Mesopotamian medicine, Egyptian medicine, Indian medicine, Chinese medicine, Greek medicine.

2.         Different Periods of Unani Medicine; Greek period, Roman period, Arabic period, including Spanish period.

3.         Biographical sketch of ancient Unani physicians and their contribution to the Unani System of Medicine, namely;

Buqaraat (Hippocrates), Jalinoos (Galen), Deesquridoos (Dioscorides), Yuhanna bin Masewaih, Jabir bin Hayyan(Gaber), Hunain bin Is’haaque, Sabit bin Qurrah, Ali bin Rabban Tabari,  Zakaria Razi (Rhazes), Ali bin Abbas Majusi(Halay Abbas), Ibne Seena (Avicenna), Ismail Jurjani, Abul Qasim Zahrawi(Abulcacis), Ibn Baitar, Ibn Haysam ( Ibn Haytham), Kamaluddin Farsi, Abdul Lateef Baghdadi, Alauddin Qarshi, Najibuddin Samarqandi, Burhanuddin Nafis, Mahmood AmuIi.


4.         Contributions of the Great Indian Physicians to Unani system of medicine; Hakeem Shahab Abdul Karim Nagauri, Ali Gilani, Akbar Arzani, Hakeem Alawi Khan, Hakeem Mohammad Husain Sheerazi, Hakeem Mohammad Shareef Khan, Hakeem Abdul Aziz, Hakeem Mohammad Ajmal Khan, Hakeem Aazam Khan and Hakeem Abdul Hameed.

5.         Unani medical centers and eminent Tibbi(medical) families of India belong to Delhi, Rampur, Lucknow, Patna, Hyderabad, Bhopal and Rajasthan.

6.         Unani Educational System in Modern era; Academic Institutions & syllabi, Higher      education and Resarch.

7.         Institutionalized history of Unani Medicine in India pre & post independence; as establishment of colleges, research and administrative institutions.

8.         Medical Ethics; Hippocartic Oath; Text, and its effects on later centuries, Ethical values for medical students and Ethical duties for the Unani physicians.





Ilmul Advia – I


PAPER- I (Kulliyate Advia)


1.         Definition of Ilmul Advia, Zulkhassa

2.         Mizaj of Drugs, its importance, Darjaate Mizaj (Degrees of drugs) types- Har(hot), Barid (cold) and Motadil (normal). Poisonous drugs, Absolute Poisons and Antidotes

3.         Effects of Drugs, various types of effects of drugs, Mufradu1 quwa, Murakkabul quwa, composition of Drugs, active constituents, non active constituents.

4.         Physical properties of drugs viz Color, Smell, types of Taste and its relations with Mizaj, consistency, weight and other important properties.

5.         Evaluation of Unknown Drugs

a.         Importance of incidental information in earlier knowledge

b.         Principles of Qayas (hypothesis)

c.         Principles of experimental study on unknown drugs.

6.         Effects of drugs on various systems/organs of body.

a.         Brain, Nerves, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat

b.         Respiratory System

c.         Digestive system

d.         Cardiovascular System

e.         Excretory system

f.          Reproductive System g) Skin

h.         Endocrine and other glands

7.         Effects of drugs on Istihala (Metabaulism), types of Istihala (metabaulism), Makhfi Istihala

8.         Drugs acting on body temperature, Hararte Gharizia (core temperature), Hararate Ghareeba (Abnormal temperature), Principles of Tabreed (cooling) and Taskheen (warming) of body.

9.         Dosage forms of drugs and their modes of administration. Solid, Liquid & Gaseous forms of drugs a       nd their internal & external uses

10.       Principles of collection, storage and preservation of drugs and determination of their shelf life.

11.       Muzirraat wa Muslihaat (Adverse effects of drugs and their corrective measures) .

12.       Usoole Abdaale Advia (Principles of substitution of drugs)

13.       Principles and needs of compounding drugs.

14.       Determination of terminologies on the basis of  actions and effects of drugs.

15.       Terminologies with respect to the effects & actions of drugs


Akkaal, Jali, Jazib, Haliq, Habisuddam, Raade, Aasir, Ghassal, Kaavi, Laaze, Lazij, Mujaffif, Mohallil, Mohammir, Mukhashshin, Mudammil, Murakhi, Moa’rriq, Mofajjir, Mufarreh, Muqawwi, Muqawwiyate Aamma, Muqawwiyate Makhsoosa, Munzij, Mulayyin, Mus’hil, Muzliq, Mufattite Hisaat, Nashif.


Mujammid, Mubarrid, Murattib, Muharriq, Musaddid, Moaddil, Mughazzi, Muallide dam, Qate, Mulattif, Dafae Taffun, Dafae Humma, Musaffi khoon, Muharrike daurane khoon.


Dafae Tashannuj, Mukhaddir, Musakkin, Musakkine Alam, Munawwim, Musaddae, Munaqqi, Muhharrike Dimagh wa Aasab wa Qalb. Qabiz, Qatile Deedane Shikam, Kasire Riyah, Munbite Shaar, Mushtahi, Moattish, Hazim, Musammine Badan, Mubahhi, Mughalliz wa Muallide mani, Mulazziz, Mumsik, Mukhrije Janeen wa Masheema, Mudirre baul, Mudirre Haiz, Mudirre Laban.


Juze Amli (Practical)

Observation of drugs according to their sources

Practical observation of various methods of identification of drugs Observation of the various dosages forms of drugs

Methods of Standardisation of single Unani drugs



  IImul Advia - I


  Paper- II (Mufradat)


1.         Identification, source, collection, Mizaj, actions, therapeutic uses, methods of usage, dose, shelf life, adverse effects, Corrective measures and recent research information of the following single drugs.

a)         Abhal, Abresham, Abrak, Atees, Izkhar, Azaraqi, Aroosa, Aspand, Asapghol, Afyun, Ustukhudoos, Asgand, Asaroon, Asrol, Aftimoon, Afsanteen, Anjeer, Aatrilal, Ikleelul malik, Alubukhara, Amla, Anaar, Anjabar, Anisoon, Ushba, Inderjao shireen, Aslussoos, Irsa

b)         Babuna, Babchi, Badam, Baad avard, Badranjboya, Badiyaan, Bartang, Baqila, Baokhamba, Baranj kabuli, Babool, Brahamdandi, Baranjasif, Bazrulbanj, Busud, Bisfaij, Biskhapra, Baladur, Balela, Banafsha, Boozidaan, Burae armani, Behman safaid, Behman surkh, Behdana, Behroza, Bedanjeer, Bedsada, Bedmushk, Belgiri, Brahmi, Bhuin amla, Bakayen, Beer booti.

c)         Parsiyaoshan, Palaspapra, Pambadana, Pudina

d)         Talmakhana, Tukhme karafs, Tukhme balango, Tarbooz, Turanj, Turanjabeen, Turb, Tamar hindi, Tambaku, Tinkar, Toot, Tudri safaid wa siya, Taj , Turai talkh.

e)         Salab misri.

f)         Javtri, Jozbua, Jamun, Jadwar, Jund bedastar, Juntiyana, Jawakhar, Jauz maasil, Jarjeer.

g)         Chaksu, Chiraita, Chob chini, Chob zard.

h)         Habbul aas, Habbus salateen, Habbul Qurtum, Habbul Qilt, Habbul ghar, Hajrul Yahood, Hilteet, Hulba, Hanzal.

i)          Khaksi, Khatmi, Khubbazi, Khubsul hadeed, Kharpaza, Khurfa, Kharbaq, Khardal, Khash’khash, Khulanjaan, Khayarain, Khayar shambar, Kharateen, Khare khasak, Kharmohra

j)          Dare Hald, Dare filfil, Darchini, Darmana turki, Darunaj aqrabi, Dammul akhvain

K)        Raal safaid, Rasaut, Roghane Bedanjeer, Reetha, Rehan, Reg mahi, Revand chini wa Revand hindi.

            1) Zaravand,    Zarishk, Zaranbaad,    Zareward, Zafron, Zangar, Zanjabeel, Zufa,

Zaharmohra, Zaitoon, Zeera safaid, Zeera siyah, Zarnab.


m)        Sazaj Hindi, Sapistan, Satavar, Sudab, Sarphooka, Sartaan, Saresham Mahi, Saad kufi, Safeda kashghari, Saqmunia, Sakbeenaj, Salajeet, Sumaq, Sammul far, Sanamakki, Sumbuluttib, Sang Jarahat, Sangdana Murgh, Sang Saremahi, Singhara, Surinjan shireen, Surinjan talkh, Siras, Seemaab, Sadabahar, Sahajanah.

n)         Shahatra, Shibbe Yamani, Shikai, Shakar Teghal, Shingraf, Shora Qalmi, Shoneez, Sheere khisht, Shitraj hindi.

0)         Sibre zard, Sadaf, Satar farsi, Samaghe arabi, Kateera, Sandal surkh wa safaid.

p)         Tabasheer, Tutiya sabz

q)         Aaqar’qarha, Asal, Ushba, Mako, Unnab, Ambar ash’hab, Unsul , Ood saleeb, Ood

gharqi, Ood Hindi.      '

r)          Ghariqoon, Ghafis

s)         Falsa, Farfiun, Faranj mushk, Filfil moya, Filfil safaid, Filfil siyah, Funduq, Faulad

t)          Qaranfal, Qaranul iyal, Qinnab (Bhang), Qalayee.

u)         Kaat safaid, Kasni, Kafoor, Kakra Singhi, Kaknaj, Kaali Zeeri, Kahoo, Kaifal, Kibreet, Kabab Chini, Kababa , Kataan, Kasoos, Karanjwa, Kasondi, Kishmish, Kishneez, Kafe dariya, Kakronda, Kameela, Kundur, Kanghi, Kanocha, Koknar, Kherubahamaee, Kevra.

v)         Gazar, Gauzaban, Gilo, Gandana, Ghongchi, Gheekvar, Gule surkh, Gule Gudhal, Gul Teesu, Gul Dhava, Gul Madar, Gul Neem, Gul Henna, Gul Machkan, Gil Makhtoom, Gil Armani, Gil Multani, Geru, Gaudanti.

w)        Luke maghsool, Lobaan, Lodh pathani, Lehsan, Luffah

x)         Mayeen khurd wa kalan, Maal kangani, Mazoo, Madar, Marjan, Marzanjosh, Murdar Sang,

Murmakki, Marvarid, Maror Phalli, Mushk tramashee, Mastagi roomi, Muqil, Mundi, Maveez,


y)         Nakhoona, Narjeel Dariyayi, Nagandbabri, NamakeTaam, Namake siya, Namake ­Lahori, Naushadar, Neelofar, Neem.

z)         Vaje turki, Hartal Varqi, Haleela, Hilyun, Hirakasis, Heel khurd, Heel kalan


Advia jadeeda (Allopathic Drugs)


1.         Pharmacological terminologies

2.         Classification & allied fields of Pharmacology

3.         Routes of drug administration, Mode of action of drugs

4.         Side effects of drugs

5.         Pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses, absorption, fate and excretion, doses and side effects    

            of the following drugs.

a)         Analgesics: Narcotic and Non-Narcotic analgesics, antipyretics.

b)         Sedatives, Hypnotics and Tranquilisers.

c)         Local, spinal and general anaesthetics

d)         Antihistaminic drugs

e)         Antiseptics, Disinfectants

f)          Sulphonamides

g)         Antibiotics: Classification and types

h)         Hormones

i)          Contraceptives

j)          Receptors and their blockers


Juz Amli (Practical)


1. Identification of single drugs in Museum

2. Preparation of herbarium sheet of at least 52 drugs which are included in the theory syllabus

Viva voce: Common viva voce of different papers of Advia is to be conducted.

Instructions: Students must submit the practical records after attestation from their Professor/HOD.





I1mul Advia – II


   PAPER - I  - Murakkabat


1.         Aims and objectives and purpose of compounding of the drugs.

2.         General description on the following Drugs mentioned in the standard pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary of Unani Medicine.

Arq, Sharbat, Sikanjabeen, Laooq, Majoon, Khameera, Anooshdaru, Jawarish, Barshasha, Itrifal, Luboob, Murabba, Gulqand, Tiryaq, Mufarrehat, Safoof, Qurs, Sheyaf, Qairooti, Kohl, Marham, Kushta.

3.         Main constituents, Therepeutic uses, actions, dosage and preparation of following     

           compound formulations:

(a)        Arqiyaat: Arqe Mussafi, Arqe Gazar, Arqe Baranjasif, Arqe Gaozaban, Arqe ­Badiyaan, Arqe   sheer murakkab, Maul Laham, Arqe Mako, Arqe Kasni.

(b)        Sikanjabeen: Sikanjabeene sada, Sikanjabeene Bazoori, Sikanjabeene unsuli, Sikanjabeene Na’nayi, Sikanjabeene Lemooni.

(c)        Sharbat: Sharbate Faulad, Sharbate Eijaz, Sharbate Aalu Balu, Sharbate ­Anjbaar, Sharbate Bazoori, Sharbate Deenar, Sharbate Vard, Sharbate Fawakeh.

(d)       Laooq: Laooqe Sapistan, Laooqe Katan, Laooqe Khayar Shambar, Laooqe ­Khash’khash, Laooqe Nazli aabe Tarbooz wala, Laooqe Badam, Lawooqe mutadil.

(e)        Khameera: Khameera Abresham sada, Khameera Abresham Hakim Arshad wala, Khamira Abresham Sheerae Unnab wala, Khameera Abresham Ood Mastagi wala, Khameera Gaozaban sada, Khameera Gaozaban Ambari Jawahar wala, Khameera Gaozaban Ambari Jadwar Dod Saleeb Wala, Khameera Khash’khash, Khameera Banafsha, Khameera Marwareed, Khameera Sandal.

(f)        Majoon: Majoon Aarade Khurma, Majoon Falasfa, Majoon Fanjnoosh, Majoon

Murawwihul arwah.

(g)        Jawarish: Jawarish Jalinoos, Jawarish Kamooni, Jawarish Mastagi, Jawarish

Podina, Jawarish Bisbasa.

(h)        ItrifaI: Itrifal Ustukhudoos, Itrifal Kishnizi, Itrifal Muqil, Itrifal Zamani, Itrifal

Kabir, Itrifal Deedan.

(i)         Luboob: Luboob Kabir, Luboob Sagheer.

(j)         Gulqand: Gulqand Suyooti, Gulqand Aftabi, Gulqand Mahtabi,

(k)        Tiryaaq: Tiryaaqe Arba, Tiryaaqe Samaniya, Tiryaaqe Farooq ,Tiryaaqe

Pechish, Tiryaaqe Meda, Tiryaaqe Nazla.

(l)         Mufarrehaat: Mufarreh Azam, Mufarreh Sheikhur Rayees, Mufarreh Barid,

Mufarreh Yaqooti.

(m)       Sofoof: Sofoof Aslussoos, Sofoof Chutki, Sofoof Mulayyin, Sofoof Muqliyasa, Sofoof Bars, Sofoof Muhazzil, Sofoof Namak Sulaimani.

(n)        Sanoon: Sanoon Muqawwi Dandan, Sanoon Poste Mugheelan, Sanoon Tambaku.

(o)        Huboob: Habbe Shifa, Habbe Iyarij, Iyarij Faiqra, Habbe Kabid Naushadri,

Habbe Jadwar, Habbe Papita, Habbe Asgand, Habbe Tinkaar, Habbe Paan, Habbe Muqil, Habbe Marwareed, Banadiqul Buzoor, Habbe Surinjan, Habbe ­Rasaut, Habbe Raal, Habbe Hilteet,  HabbeAzaraqi, Habbe Mumsik, Habbe ­Amber Momiyayee.

(p)        Barshasha, Borood Kafoori, Basaleeqoon

(q)        Dayaqooza, Dawaul Kurkum Saghir, Dawaul Kurkum Kabir, Dawaul Misk Har, Dawaul Misk Barid, Dawaul Misk Moatadil, Dawaul Misk Jawahar wali.

(r)        Zaroor Kath.

(s)        Rubb: Rubbe Anaar, Rubbe Behi, Rubbe Seb, Rubbussoos,

(t)        Roghan: Roghan Aamla, Roghan Baizae Murgh, Roghan Bed Anjeer,

Roghan Chehar Barg, Roghan Qust, Roghan Malkangani, Roghan Kaddu, Roghan Samaat Kusha, Roghan Haft Barg.

(u)        Qurs: Qurs Sartan, Qurs Tabasheer, Qurs Kafoori, Qurs  Mosallas, Qurs Mulayyin, Qurs Dawaul Shifa, Qurs Malti basant.

(v)        Shiyaf: Shiyafe Abyaz, Shiyafe Aswad, Shiyafe Ahmar Layeen.

(w)      Qairooti: Qairooti Aarade Kar’sana.

(x)        Kohl: Kohlul Jawahar, Kohl chikni Dawa.

(y)        Marham: Marham Mazo, Marham Ushuq, Marham siyah, Marham Zangaar, Marham  

            Dakhiliyoon, Marham Kafoori, Marham Muqil, Marham Rasaut.

(z)        Zimad: Zimad Jalinoos, Zimad Muhalill, Zimad Sumbulut teeb.

(z1)      Tila: Tilae Surkh, Tilae Uroosak, Tilae Muhasa, Tilae Khasul Khas.



Paper  - II  Saidla


1.         Definition of Pharmacy, its classification, importance and historical background.

2.         Rules and Regulations of Unani Pharmacy (Processing, compounding and manufacturing of drugs).

3.         Aamale Dawasazi (Pharmaceutical methods): A general description of Taqtee, Daq­ wa Raz, Bard, Tahmees, Tadheen, Tashwia, Tarveeq, Tajfeef, Tajveef, Tabalwur, Tabkheer, Tarseeb, Tarsheeh, Tasyeed, Ihraq, Taklees, Taqsheer, Dhannab, Tahbeeb, Tasweel, Tabakh, Irgha. Tadbeere Advia (Process of chemical & laboratory treatment.

4.         Preparatory Methods of certain drugs:

            a)         Powdering of the following drugs:

                        Aarad Kurma, Ushuq, Muqil, Afiyoon, Rasaut, Mastagi, Abresham, Magziat

b)         Powdering of the following with the help of Mortar & Pestle

Zafran, Jawahiraat, Hajariyat, Sadaf, Marwareed, Sange jarahat, Mushk, Amber, Jundbedastar .

c)         Amle tarweeq, Barge Inabus salab sabz, Barge kasni sabz

d)         Amle Tasfia: Para, Salajeet, Shahad, Kharateen

e)         Amle Tareeq: Distillation and its various methods

f)         Amle Tasyeed: Raskapoor, Sankhia, Shora, Kafoor, Naushadar

g)         Method of preparation of Usara, Rub and Sat.

            h)         Amle Iqla: Chirchita, Mooli, Madar, Jau

5.         Preparation of oils and tila

6.         (a)        Preparation of quiwam for different drugs and the preparation of the following

quiwami drugs.

Sharbat, Sikanjabeen, Lauq, Khameera, Majoon, Anushdaru.

(b)        Jawarish, Itrifal, Laboob, Murabbe, Gulqand, Luab, Sheera, Haleeb wa Mazeej.

            (c)        Marham, Huboob wa Aqras and their binders.

7.         Methods of tadbeer wa Islah (Process of chemical and laboratory treatment and corrective measures) of following drugs:

Ajwain, Zeera, Afyoon, Anzaroot, Aelwa, Bahroza, Bhang, Biladur, Habbus Salateen,

Azaraqi, Post baiza murgh, Turbud, Chaksu, Haleela, Gariquoon, Saqmoonia, Seemab, Khubsul Hadeed, Gandhak, Sammul faar, Sang Basri, Surma .

8.         Amle Ihraaq wa Taklees wa mutalliquat (Methods of incineration, calcination and acessories)

(a) Filizzat, Hajariyat, Zavil arwah,

(b) Boota, Gile hikmat, Kaproti, Use of 'Put' and its types,

(c) Features of Kushta Kham or Kushta Naquis of the following:

Tila, Nuqra, Faulad, Mis (Tanba), Qalayee, Seesa, Parah, Shingraf, Sammul Faar,

(d) Methods of preparation, mode of administration and doses of the following kushta:

Seemab, Sammul Faar , Post baiza murgh, Sadaf, Marjan, Zahar mohra, Abrak siyah, Abrak safed, Faulad, Qalayee, Hajrul yahood, Sange jarahat, Gau danti, Khubsul Hadeed, Musallas.

9.         Nauiate Tarkeeb (Composition )of the following drugs:

Dare chikna, Safeda Kshghari, Sindoor, Tutia, Raskapoor,

10.       Preparation of Aghzia (Special diets)

Maul jubn, Maul asl, Maul laham, Maul buzoor, Maul boquool, Maul fawakeh,

Maushshyeer, Kash’kush shayeer


Juze Amali (Practicals)


1.         Process of chemical and laboratory treatment and corrective measures of selected drugs.

2.         Preparation of Compound drugs and Taklees (calcination) of selected drugs.

Maintenance of Practical record with suitable figures and record of the

preparation of compound drugs.






PAPER-I     Ilmul Amraaz wa Ilmul Jaraseem            

                   (General pathology and Bacteriology)


I.          Ilmul Ahwal (Study petaining to various states of the body)

II.        Ilmul Asbab (Etiology)

III.       Ilmul Alaamat


I. Ilmul Ahwal (Study pertaining to various states of the abody)


            (a)        Definition of sabab (Cause), Marz (Disease) and Arz (symptom)

            (b)        Ahwale Badan, Sehat (Health). Marz (Disease), Haalate Salisa   

                        (Convalescent period)

            (c)        Ajnase Amraaz (classification of the Diseases): Amraaze

mufradah (Simple diseases) and Amraaze murakkabah (Compound diseases)

(i)         Amraaze Mufradah: Sue Mizaj (Mal Temperament) Sue tarkeeb

(Morbid Anatomy), Tafarruqe ittesal (Breach in the continuity), fasadat and saraiyat (Degeneration and infiltration).


(ii)        Amraaze murakkabah:- Definition.and classification of warm (swellings), in respect of khabasat  (malignancy), adame khabasat (benign nature) and sakht (structure)


(d)       Iltihab (Inflammation), Indemal (Repair) Tatabuq (Adoptation) and ZarbeKhaliya (Cellular injury),


(e)        Naqse Taghzia (Inadequate nutrition of cell), uzoo ka murda hojana (infarction), nakhr (necrosis), Ghangharana (Gangrene)

(f)        Fasade Numu (Growth disorder), Taghaiyurate Naseeji (Tissue Changes), Zamoor (                                   Atrophy), Tazakhkhum (Hypertrophy)

(g)        Fasade khoon and Fasade Dawrane Khoon (blood and circulatory disorder): Faqruddam (Anaemia), Abyazuddam (Leukaemia), Imtelauddam (Hyperaemia), Qillatuddam muqami (Ischaemia), Nazafuddam (Haemorrahage), Takhassuruddam (Thrombosis) Tasadududdam (Embolism)


(h)        Fasade rutubate jismani (Disorder of the body fluid): Qillte rutubat (Dehydration), Oozema (Oedema), Sadma (Shock)

(i) Mana'at (Immunity) and AIDS.




Asbabe kulli (Etiological factors):


Asbabe badia (External causes), Asbabe sabiqa (Predisposing causes), Asbabe wasila (Immediate or exciting causes). Ta’dia (Infection)


1.         Definition and classification of Sabab/Asbab.

2.         Asbabe Badan:.

a) Asbabe Maddiyah

b) Asbabe Suriyah

c) Asbabe Failah

d) Asbabe Tamamiyah

3.         Asbabe Sehat wa Marz (Cause of Health and Disease)

a)  Asbabe Sabeqah (Predisposing causes)

b) Asbabe Badiyah (External causes)

c)  Asbabe Wasilah (Exciting causes)

d)  Asbabe  Zarooriyah (Essential factors)

e)  Asbabe Ghair Zarooriyah (Non-essential factors)

f)  Asbabe Hafizah (Preventive causes)

g)  Asbabe Mughiyyarah

h)  Asbabe Mukhallifah

i)  Asbabe Ghair Mukhallifah

 4.        Umoomi Asbab (General causes)

a) Asbabe Warm (Causes of swelling)

b) Asbabe Tafarruqe Ittisal (Causes of discontinuity)

c) Asbabe Qarah (Causes of ulcer)

d) Asbabe Mufsadaate shakal

e) Asbabe  Suddah aur Zeeqe Majari (Causes of obstruction and constriction of vessels)

f) Asbabe Ittisae Majari (Causes of dilation of vessels)

g) Asbabe Khushunat (Causes of roughness)

h) Asbabe Malasat (Causes of smoothness)

i) Asbabe khulaa

j) Asbabe Sue Tarkeeb (Causes of malformation)

k) Asbabe Waja (Causes of Pain)

1) Asbabe Taskeene Waja (Causes of relief from pain)

m) Asbabe Tukhma wa Imtila (Causes of indigestion and plethora)

n) Asbabe Ihtibaas  wa Istifraagh  (Causes of retention and evacuation)

o) Asbabe Zoafe Aaza (Causes of debility of organs)

Ilmul Jaraseem (Microbiology):-Aqsaame Jarasim( classification of micro-organism), Qluwin (staining), Jarasimi af’aal (microbial activity) antigen, Ajsam ziddia (anti bodies) their reaction, Jarasimi sammiyat (Toxins), diseases caused by bacteria.  General description of following bacteria:


Pneumococci, Staphylococci, Streptococci, Salmonella group and Shigella group, Mycobacterium Leprae, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis


General description of common parasites and viruses.


ILMUL ALAMAAT (Study pertaining to clinical features)


Alamaat ka Umomi tazkira (general description about clinical features), alamaate fariqa (differential features), alamaate imtla (features of congestion), ghal’bae akhlat ke alamaat (features of humoral dominance), alamaate amzaja (featurers of various tempraments) alamaate sudad wa warm (features of  obstruction and swelling), alamaate tafarruqe ittisal (features of breach in the continuity of tissues), Waja aur is ke aqsaam (Pain and its types)








Amraz Qalb wa Urooq ( Disease of the Heart and blood vessels) Insidad shiryan iklili (Coronary occlusion), Iltihab batana Qalb (endocarditis), Izamul Qalb (Hypertrophy of the  Heart), Amraz azlate Qalb (cardiomyopathies), Fisharuddam (Hypertension), Salaabate shiriyan (Arteriosclerosis)

Anurisma (Aneurysm), Amraz samamate Qalb (Valvular Heart diseases)


AMRAZ NIZAM TANAFFUS: (Diseases of respiratory system):­Iltihabe shobi (Bronchitis), Zaturriyah (Pneumonia), Zatul janb (Pleurisy), Tadarrun revi (Pulmonary tuberculosis), Zeequn nafas (Asthma), Nafkhturriyaya (emphysema), Ittisae shoeb (Bronchiectasis)


Amraaze Meda wa Am’a (Gastro-intestinal diseases):

Qrahae Medi wa Asna ashree (Gastric and Duodenal ulcer) Hummae Mevi (Enteric fever), Ilithab zayada aawar (Appendicitis), Zaheer (Dysentery), Warme Meda (Gastritis), Diqqul Am’a (Intestinal tuberculosis),


Amraze Kabid wa Mirarh (Diseases of Hepato- Biliary system):


Itihabe Kabid (Hepatitis), Talayyaful Kabid (Cirrhosis of liver),Yarquan (Jaundice), Dubailatul kabid (Liver abscess), Iltihabe Mirara (Cholecystitis) Hisate Mirara (Cholelithiasis).


Amraze Kilia  wa Masana (Diseases of kidney and urinary bladder):-


Iltihabe Kilia (Nephritis Acute,sub-acute and chronic), Hisat Kilia wa Masana (Renal and cystic stones), Iltihabe hauzul  Kilia (Pyelonephritis), Istisquae  Kilia (Hydronephrosis), Tasammume bauli (Uraemia),


Amraaze banqaras (Diseases of Pancreas):-


Ziabattis shakri (Diabetes mellitus), Iltihabe Banqaras (Pancreatitis), Salaat Banqaras (Pancreatic tumours).


Amraz Dimagh (Cerebral diseases):-

Subat (coma) and its aqsaam (types), Iltihabe Aghshia (Meningitis), Jiryanuddam Dimaghi (Cerebral haemorrhage), Takhassuruddam Dimaghi                     


(Cerabral thrombosis), Tasddude Dimaghi (Cerebral embaulism), Salaate Dimaghi (Brain tumours).

SAREERIYAT (Bed side clinic)

1.      Ta’ruf, Sareeriyat ki gharz wa ghayat (Introduction,aim  and objectives)

2.Roodade Mareez (History taking)

3.Mareez ka umoomi moaina (General examination of the patient)

4.Istifsarat aur moainae Mareez (Interrogation and systemic examination of

the patient)

a.         Nizame Hazm (Digestive System)

b.                  Nizame Tanaffus (Respiratory System)

c.                  Nizame Qalb wa Urooq (Cardiovascular System)

d.                 Nizame Baul wa Tanasul (Urinary & Reproductive System)

e.                  Jild wa Mafasil (Skin & Locomotive System)

f.                   Nizame Asabi (Nervous System)

g.                  Nafsiyaat (Psychiatry)

            h.          Moainae Atfaal (Examination of Children)

            i.          Mahmoom ka moaina (Examination of febrile patient)

            5.         Nabz (Pulse)

Ta’reef, Dekhne ke tareeqe aur sharai't, Nabz par umoomi tabsira, ajnase nabz aur unka ijmali bayan, Nabze mufrad ke aqsaam mai ta’raeefat, Nabze murakkab ki aqsaam mai Ta’reefat, Asbabe nabz, Asbabe masika ke ahkam wa aasar, Mukhtalif mizajon ki nabz, Aourton, Bachchon aur Haamla  ki nabz, Nabz­e auram, Nabze auja, Nabz ke ahkam, Awarize Nafsania ke lihaz se. (Definition, method & precautions to be observed in the examination of the pulse, types of simple pulse, types and definition of compound pulse, factors involving in the formation of pulse, guidelines regarding the essential factors for the existence of the pulse, pulse in various temperaments, pulse in females, children & pregnant woman, guideline for the variation of pulse in the different psychic states)


6.         Baul (Urine)

  Imtiane   Baul ke sharait, Mundarjazail nukat par Baul ka moaina, (Conditions of urine examination, examination of urine in the respect of following points):

 Miqdar (Quantity)

 Laun (Color)

Boo (Odour) 

Qiwam (Consistency)


Jhag ( Froth)




Kadoorat (Turbidity)


Siqle Izafi (Specific Gravity)


7.         Baraz (Stool)


Aqsaam (Types), Mahmood wa ghair mahmood (Normal and abnormal)

            8.         Usoole Ilaaj (Principles of Management)

Amraaze sue Mizaj ka Usoole Ilaaj, sue mizaj saada ka usool eilaaj, Tadeel wa ­tabdeele mizaj,

 Istifraghe madda, istifragh ke ahkaam, usool wa sharait, aghraaz wa maqasid,

Is’hal  ke ahkam, Usool wa sharait, aghraz wa maqasid wa­ mawaniat.

Qai ke Ahkam: Usool wa sharait, aghraz wa maqasid wa mawaniat.

Tareeq: Usool wa sharait, aghraz wa maqasid wa mawaniat.

Tanfees: Usool wa sharait, aghraz wa maqasid wa mawaniat

Imala wa juzbe Mawad: Usool wa sharait, aghraz wa maqasid wa mawaniat,

Auraam ka usoole Ilaaj: Auraame Harrah, Auraame bareda, Aurame hadda , Aurame muzminah, Aurame tahabbujiya, Aurame sulba,

Musakkinat:- Darde umoomi wa maqmi aur munawwimat,(Alangesics: Local and general and hypnotics)

Takmeed, Nutool, Tila Zimad, Mufatteh Sudad.(Fomentation, Irrigation, liniment, paste and deobstruants)


 (Principles of management in diseases of mal temperament, principles of treatment in simple mal temperament,Normalization & changes in the temperament and  guidelines of Evacuation of waste material  its terms and conditions aims and objectives; guidelines regarding Purgation its terms and conditions, aims and objectives and contraindications; guidelines regarding Vomiting its terms, conditions, aims & objectives and contraindications; guidelines of Perspiration (Diphoresis) its terms, conditions, aims, objectives and contraindications; guidelines regarding Expectoration, its terms , conditions, aims, objectives and contraindications; guidelines regarding  Diversion and Absorption of material, its terms,  conditions, aims, objectives and contraindications;  Principles of management of Swellings: Hot swellings, cold swellings, acute swellings, chronic swellings, and hard swellings.


Ilaaj bit tadbeer: Hajamat, Kai, Fasad, Taleeq  ke aghraz wa maqasid, usool wa sharait aur mawaniat.

(Regimenal Therapy: Cupping, Cauterisation, Venesection, Leeching their  aims and objectives,terms, conditions and contraindications)


Usoole Ilaaj mein Mundarja Zail Umoor ke Ahkaam - Mausam ki shiddat mein qawi Ilaaj, qawi Ilaaj mein e’aanut, Ilaaj me Tadreej, Tabdeele Aab wa Hawa, Tabdeele­ Waza, Tash’khees na hone ki surat mein Ilaaj, Ilaaj mein kash’makash, Roohani Ilaaj.(Guidelines for the following factors in the principles of management: Potent treatment in extreme claimate, assistance in potent treatment, grades in managements, change of clement, change of posture, treatment of undiagnosed diseases, dialemma in treatment, spiritual treatment, instruction of diet in the principles of management)


Juze Amli (practical)  


(1)        Qarura ka moufassal imithan (complete examination of urine)

(2)        Braz ka mukammal imtihan (Complete examination of stool)

(3)        Khoon ka imtithan (examination of blood)

(4)        Balgham ka imtithan (examination of sputum)

(5)        Amli mushahda ko ma zaroori khakon ko kapi par utarna (Recording of experiments along with diagrams in practical record book.

(6)        Hayati deed (Biopsy)


(7)        Mamol ke hyatiyati kimyawae imtihan (Routine bio chemical tests)

8)         Shifa khane main Sareeriyat ki taleem (provision of clinical teaching in the Hospital)

9)         Stduents have to present minimum 20 patients case records in Record book.



Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine)

Paper – I (Samaji Tib)

Tahaffuzi waSamaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine):

Definition, historical background, importance, aims and objectives

Sehat (Health):

Definition, aims & objectives and guidelines for health,

Shakhsi Hifzane Sehat (Personal Hygiene) and Sehate Aamma (Public Health) Detailed discussion of Asbaabe sitta zarooriya (Six essentials of life).

Marz (Disease):

Definition and causes of Disease with details.

Tabae Mahaul (Physical Environment):

Fizaae Mahaul (Atmospheric environment), Mahauliyati Safaai (Environmental sanitation) Components of Tabae Mahaul (Physical Environment) and its related causes.

Factors affecting Physical Environment

Physical, Chemical and Biological causes of atmosphere

Sehat par Mausam ke Asraat aur Awarizaat (Effects & complications of seasons on Health):

Physical Properties and composition of Air Advantages of Air

Causes of Air pollution

Natural and artificial method for purification/cleaning of Air Procedures for the prevention and control of Air pollution Diseases caused by Air pollution and their preventive measures

Masaakin wa Tahviya (Housing and Ventilation):

Need and Importance, disadvantages of ill ventilated rooms, standards of ventilation, Different types of ventilation (Natural and artificial)

Indifae Fuzlaat (Disposal of Waste):

Methods of Disposal of refuse Water:

Definition of normal and abnormal water, importance, qualities of safe and wholesome potable water, sources of water,                                                     

Pollution of Water

Preventive measures of water pollution, Methods for removing  pollution of water

Different types of water including Mineral, Distilled & Sulphur water

Methods for purification of water

Water carriage system

Examination of water

Water borne diseases and their preventive measures

Ideal Well, examination of wells, measurement of quantity of water in the wells and methods of cleaning of wells.

Deegar Mashroobaat (Other Drinks):

Effects of narcotics on health

Ghiza wa Taghzia (Food and Nutrition):

Definition, importance of Diet, classification of Diet according to the source, Dietary constituents and functions

Calories of various Diets

Daily requirements of Diet in various age groups Balanced Diet

Selection of Diet according to age, sex, and season Various methods for safety and preservation of Diet

Naqse taghzia (Malnutrition) and Diet related diseases and their preventive measures Tasammume ghizae (Food Poisoning)

Dietary importance of Milk, Amale Pasture (pasteurization), Milk born diseases and their prevention

Hayateen (Vitamins):

Definition, types, sources, daily, requirements

Diseases related to the deficient or excess intake of Vitamins.

Ghiza mein Madaniyat (Minerals in Diet):

Names of minerals and their advantages

Diseases related to the deficient or excess intake of Minerals Shakhsi Hifzane Sehat (Personal Hygiene):

Habits and Food & Drinks in various states of Health and age Body Cleanliness

Hammam and Bathing: Definition, different rooms of Hammam and their temperament and other conditions, importance, types, guidelines, advantage and disadvantages. Indications and guidelines related to Garm (Hot) and Sard (Cold) Bath


Libaas (Clothing)

Sources and types, selection of clothes according to season and their importance.

Ilaaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy):

Need and Importance of Regimenal Therapy,

Latest information of all available modes of Regimenal Therapies

Dalak (Massage):

Definition, Ttpes, aims & objectives, guidelines, advantages, therapeutic importance of

Massage and recent methods

Riyazat (Exercise):

Definition, types, aims & objectives, guidelines, advantages, Disadvantage of Riyazate Mufrat (Excessive Exercise) Determination of duration of Exercise

Moalijati Ahmiyat (Therapeutic importance) of Exercise

Aaiya "Takaan" (Fatigue):

Definition, Types, Causes and Prevention

Tamatti waTasaub (Yawning and Pandiculation):

Definition, causes and prevention

Tadabeere Naumaulood (Neonatal Care)

Zabte Tauleed  wa Khandani Behboodi (Birth Control and Family Planning)








Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib Preventive & Social Medicine


       (Paper –II  Mutaadi waWabaee Amraaz) (Infectious and Epidemic Diseases)

, (Tahaffuzi Tib)

Asbaabe wa'sila wa Moidda (Causative and predisposing factors)

Causes, Sign and Symptoms, Differential Diagnosis, Muddate Hizanat (Incubation Period),

Muddate Tadiya (Infective Period) and methods of Tahaffuzi (Prevention) of following diseases:


Humeqa (Chickenpox) Khasra (Measles)

 Judri (Small pox) Warme aslul uzun (Mumps)


Shaheeqa(Pertussis) Khunnaq(Diphtheria)

Diq wa Sil (Tuberculosis and Pthisis) Haiza (Cholera)

Zaheer (Dysentery)

Is'haal (Diarrhoea)

Deedane Amaa (Heminthiasis)

Hummae Taifoodiya (Typhoid Fever) Hummae Ijamia (Malaria)

Hummae Asfar (Yellow Fever) Khaarish (Scabies)


Hummae Dimaghi wa Nukhaee (Cerebrospinal Fever)

 Hummae Danj (Dengue Fever) Ta'oon (Plague)

Kala azar

Daul Kalb (Rabies)

Kuzaaz (Tetanus)

Juzaam (Leprosy)

Daul feel (Filariasis)

Falije Atfaal (Poliomyelitis) Humara (Anthrax )

Aashoobe Chashm (Conjunctivitis) Amraaze Zohraviya

(Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Sozishe Amaa (Gastro Enteritis) AQMA- (AIDS)

Iltihaabe Kabid (Hepatitis)


Amale Talqeeh (Vaccination):

Definition, Hospital background, methods of Vaccine preparation, types of Vaccines,

advantages and disadvantages of vaccines, Importance of vaccines in epidemic diseases, details

of available vaccines, naqshae tamnee (Immunization Schedule), Amale Tamnee ke Muzir asraat

( Adverse effects of Immunization)

Amale Tatheer (Sterilization):

Definition,importance & necessity, importance of sterilization in epidemic, Latest methods, Natural,

 Physical & Chemical.

Information about various Istilahaat (Technologies) like Deodorant, Antiseptic, Pesticides, Insecticides,

Germicides and Detergents etc.                                                                   44


Dafae Ta’affun (Disinfectant)

Sources, methods of disinfection and their indications

Natural methods (Sun rays) Physical (Burning, Boiling etc.), Chemical (Lime, sulphur, Camphor, Neem, Phenyl, Potassium Permanganate, Loban, Shooneez, Bleaching Powder, DDT ,Chlorine, Alldrine, jundbedastar, Aloe, Alum, Tulsi, Ood, Narjeel Daryai etc).

Waba (Epidemic):

Definition, Mode of Spread and their preventive measures, related terminologies

Taadiya (Infection):

Definition, mode of spread, routes of entry of infection, reservoirs of infection and their carriers, classification, Quarantine, Incubation Period, Isolation.


Mana 'at (Immunity):

Definition, types, methods of Immunization & its related terminologies, effects of deficiency of Acquired

Immunity, Illate Qillate Mana'ate Iktisaabi (AQMA)- (Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome).

San'atee Tib (Industrial Medicine):

Definition, historical background, importance of various occupations, Factories and their conditions,

San'ati Aaloodgi (Industrial pollution) and related diseases, San'ati khatraat (Occupational Health Hazards)

 and their prevention.

Nuqsaan-Tasan-Karobaar (Offensive Trades):

Importance, need, List of offensive trades, short description, related diseases and their prevention.

Aalami sehati Tanzeemaat (International Health Organizations):

World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

Tadabeere Mashaekh (Geriatrics):

Problems of old aged people viz. Financial, Mental, Physical and Preservation of Health. Diet Exercise, Massage and Diseases of old age.



Sehate Aamma (Public Health):

Tash'heer (Notification), Methods of Propaganda of Public Health issues and its importance, Medical examination of Students and Health related guidelines. Prevention of health at village level, Preventive measures and cleanliness in Fares and Festivals, Prevention of Epidemic diseases

Tibbi indirajat (Demography):

Mardum Shumari (Census), Sharahe Paida'ish (Birth rate) and Sharahe Amwaat (Death rate) etc.

Sehati (Health) Programmes:

Primary Health Centers (PHC)

Amla Ata Declaration "Health for al by 2000 AD"

      Juze Amali ( Practical )

1.   Demonstration of Water purification

2.   Identification of disinfectants and their application

3.   Identification and information of disease related Insects through Models and Charts

4.   Demonstration of different Vaccines

5.       Information about infectious and Epidemic diseases through permanent slides and Audio Visual Aids.

6.       Propaganda and Education of Public Health through Seminar, Symposium and Workshop

7.   Observation of Health delivery system at different Health Centers.

8.      Demonstration of Birth Control & Family Planning Methods through Charts & Videos.

9.   National Health Programmes

10.   Posting of Students “ Isolation Wards “, Patients Care and Follow up of Treatment,   History taking and Vaccination.

11. Prevention of Diseases caused by various pollutions

Notes:- Students will maintain a Record Book of all the practical and demonstrations and also prepare Charts and Models. At least five Case Histories will be necessary for a student regarding patients of infectious, occupational or other related diseases.



                                   TIBBE QANOONI WA ILMUS SAMOOM

                                           (MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE)


           PAPER –I (Tibbe Quanooni)


Definition of Medical Jurisprudence, Courts powers and their proceedings, Bayan Nazae (Dying Declaration) and Shahadat Nazae (Dying Depositioin), Medical code of conduct.


(1) Shinakht (Indentification)

Name, age, Sex, Race, Religion, & occupation, habits, colour of skin, facial appearance, Medico legal importance, identification through hairs, finger prints, foot prints, organic deformities, wound scar, Tattoo marks, dress and ornaments, photographs, identification of bones, primary knowledge of DNA and its medico legal importance, Naash Brari (Exhumation) and its procedure.


 (2) Mouth (Death )

Definition of Death, Stages and causes of Death, Modes of Death( Syncope, Asphyxia, Coma) importance , purpose and procedure of autopsy, Sudden death and its causes. Signs of Death, Complete and continuous cessation of blood circulation and respiration , changes in skin, Eyes, Cooling of the body. Postmortem caloricity, Postmortem lividity, Postmortem rigidity, Putrefaction, adipocere & mummification in dead bodies.


(3) Marge tashaddud (Violent death)

Causes & types of suicide, homicide and accidental death. Asphyxia, its stages & causes. Death from hanging, strangulation ,suffocation, drowning, starvation,ande due to  cold & heat.


(4) Jarah wa Zakhm (Injuries and Wounds)

Definition, types, characters and medico legal importance of abrasion (SAHAJ), Bruise (RAZZ), Lacerated (MUMZAIQA), Incised (SHAQQ), Punctured (WAKHZIY AH) and Gunshot (JARAH NARIY AH). Difference between suicidal accidental and homicidal wounds. Difference between ante mortem (Qabl Az Mouth) and postmortem (Baad Az Mouth) wounds.


(5) Harq (Burns) and Salaq (Scald)


Definition, causes, stages & difference between Ante mortem & Post mortem burns.


(6) Ananat (Impotence) Uqr (Sterility)

Definition causes and medico legal importance, DOSHEEZGI (virginity) & SINE YAAS (menopaus).Signs of loss of PARDAE BAKARAT( hymen)


 (7) Sexual offences

Natural and unnatural crimes, examination of Fa’el (active) & Maf’ool (passive) agents after ZINA­BIL-JABR (rape), LAWATAT (sodomy). Examination of spots of  blood & semen .


(8) Hamal ( Pregnancy)

Probable and confirm signs & medico legal importance.


(9) Wazae Hamal (Labour)

Signs of labour


(10) Isqaate Hamal ( Abortion)

Definition of abortion, types & signs of abortion, criminal, Legal abortion & MTP (India) Act 1971 & 1975.


(11) Qatle Atfaal (Infaticide) Qatle Janeen (Foeticide)


 (12) Procedure of Post mortem examination.


(13) Najaiz Aulad wa Qanoon (Illegitimate child and law).


(14) Junoon (Insanity)

Definition, types, signs , symptoms & medico legal importance.






       Paper - II -   I1mus Samoom (Toxicology)

Definition of Ilmus Samoom (toxicology) and Samm (poison). Classification of poisons. Route of administration of poisons. Modifying factors of the action of poisons. Diagnosis & general principals of treatment in poisoning. Anboob Medi (Stomach tube) its indications & contraindication. Indications & contraindications of Muqee (emetics) Methods of neutralizing the absorbed poison.

Triyaq( Antidotes ) Modern & Unani antidotes, its type and uses methods of preservation of organs for chemical examination. Characteristic poisoning symptoms, Mohalik Miqdar(fatal dose), Muddate Halakat( fatal period ), treatment, Zawahir Tashreeh Baadul Mouth (Postmortem  appearance) & Tibbe Qanooni Nazaryiah (medico-legal  aspect) of the following poisons.

            A.                                                                                                                       Samoome Akkaal (Corrosive poisons) :-

Haamiz (Acids):- Hamiz Kibriyati( Sulphuric acid), Hamize­ Malhi (hydrochloric acid), Hamize Shora (nitric acid), Hamize Khali ( acetic acid), Hamize Qatran (carbaulic acid ), oxalic acid & hydrocyanic acid.

Qalviyal (Alkalis):- Nutrun Kawi (Caustic Soda)) , Qalmi Qavi (Caustic Potash), (Choona) (Calcium oxide)

            B.        Samoom Lazival (Mohiyyij) (Irritant Poisons)

Samoom Ma’dani (Metalic):- Sammol Far (Arsenic) & its compounds. Seemab (Mercury) and its compounds, Sisa ( lead oxide), antimony,

Ghair Dhatee (Non metallic) :- Chlorine, iodine, Nooreen(phosphorus) Samoome Nabaati (vegetable poisons)


Semicerpus anacardium (Biladur), calotropis (Madaar), croton seed (Habbus­ Salateen), aleos(Sibr),

colocynth (Shahme Hanzal),Abrus precatorius (Ghoonghchi)


Samoome Haiwani (Animal poisons ):- Symptoms & treatment of Snake bite,(Ladahul Hayya),

Scorpion (Aqrab) bite, Canthride (Telni Makkhi).

C.               Samoome Asbi (Neurotic poisons)

Cerebral (Dimagi):- Opium, Alcohol, Chloroform, Kerosene oil ,Cocaine, Thorn apple, Cannabis indica (Bhung), Belladonna (Yabrooj), Hyocyamus niger (Ajwaine Khurasani)

D..        Nukhayee (Spinal):- Nuxvomica (Azaraaqi)

E. Qalbee (Cardiac Poison):- Tobacco, Aconite (Beesh).

Characteristic poisonous symptoms, fatal dose, fatal period, treatment, postmortem appearance and medico-legal importance of the following poisons:

Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, coal gas.

E.         Description of house hold poisons, their poisonous symptoms and treatment, as .

Tick-20, naptheline balls,DDT powder, almunium phosphate, pesticide, cosmetic like hair shampoo, lipstick, skin cream, eye lotion and eye shades.

Juze Amali (Practical Parts)

1.               Visualization of postmortem.

2.               Method of preservation of organs.

3.        Visualization of following in the Museum for Tibbe  Qanooni & Ilmus Samoom

a.                        Model, charts & instruments

b.                        Different type of Hairs for identification.

c.                        Different antidotes & antiseptic.

d.                       Different poisons.

e.                        Poisonous animals.

f.                         Arrangement of audio- Visual facility.

g.                          The preparation of models & Charts by the students.






A.        HUMMA (Fever)


  • General Description of Hummiyat (Fevers) Brief description of
  • Hararate Badani (Body temperature)
  • Tauleed wa Ikhraje Hararat (production & loss of heat) Tawazune  Hararat (Thermo regulation)
  • Tareefe Humma (Definition of fever)
  • Kulli Taqseeme Hummiyat (General classification of fevers) Darjate Hararat (Grades of fevers)
  • Ista’dade Humma (Susceptibility of fevers)
  • Auqat wa Madarije Humma (periods and stages of fevers)
  • Muddate Humma par Alamaat sey Istadlal (Inference of symptoms from Periods & Stages of fevers)
  • Hummiyat Ke Awaraze Lazima (Related complications of fevers)
  • Usoole Tashkhees (Principles of Diagnosis)
  • Adame Tashkhees Ki Soorat mey Humma key Usoole Ilaaj (Line of teatment in undiagnosed fevers)
  • Ahkame Ghiza (Dietary regulations in fever)


C .       Hummiyate Youm

  • Umoomi bayan (General description)
  • Ta’reef (Definition)
  • Aqsaam (Types )
  • Umoomi Asbab wa Alamaat (General and symptoms)
  • Intequale Humma Youm (Transformation of one day fever)
  • Umoomi Ilaaj (General treatment)
  • D. Hummae Khiltiya Ufoonia
  • General description of ufoonat (Infection)
  • Mustauqade ufoonat (Seat of ufoonat)
  • Classification of ufoonat (Infection)
  • Umoomi Asbaab wa Alamaat (General causes & symptoms)
  • Aam UsooleIlaaj (General principles of treatment)


D.        Hummae Damvi

  • Hummae Matbaqa and its classification
  • Sonokhas and its classification
  • Ufoonat wa Sukhoonat (Infection and thermo genesis)
  • Hummae Safravi
  • Ghibbe Daira
  • Hummae Muhariqa
  • Ghibb Lazima
  • Hummae Balghami
  • Hummae Lasqa, (Lazima wa Daima )
  • Hummae Muwaziba Naiba
  • Hummae Soudavi
  • Hummae Rubba
  • Hummae Rubba Daira
  • Hummae Rubba Lazima
  • Hummae Murakkab
  • Shatrul Ghib


E.        Hummiyat haddah

  • Ta’reef (Definition)
  • Umoomi Ilaaj (General treatment)
  • Awariz wa Tadaruk (Complications and management)
  • Ahkame Ghiza (Dietary regulations)


F.         Detailed description of Hummae Diq


G.        Hummae Auram


H.        Bohran

  • Ta’reef (Definition)
  • Umoomi Alamaat (General Features)
  • Features of Bohrane Jaiyad and Bohrane Raddi
  • Management of Bohran



I.  Hummae Mevi (Enteric fever)


  • Hummae Ijamiya (Malarial fever)
  • Kala Azar
  • Hummae Hudariya (Rheumatic fever)
  • Hasba / Khasra (Measles)
  • Chechak/Judri (Small pox)
  • Humeeqa (Chicken pox)
  • Influenza
  • Ta’uun (plague)
  • Hummae Danj (Dengue fever)
  • Hummae Asfar (Yellow fever)
  • Hummae Qirmiziya (Scarlet fever)


Amraaze Zahira Aamma (General External Diseases)


1.         Amraaze Jild (Skin Diseases)

  • Jarb (Scabies)
  • Hikka (Pruritis)
  • Shara (Urticaria)
  • Busoore labnia (Acne vulgaris)
  • Bars (Vitiligo)
  • Bahaq (Pitriasis alba)
  • Daus sadaf (Psoriasis)
  • Eczema
  • Qooba (Ring worm)
  • Juzam (Leprosy)
  • Namla sada (Herpes simplex)
  • Namla mantaqya (Herpes zoster)
  • Kalaf (Melasma)
  • Namash
  • Barsh
  • Saaleel
  • Kasrate arq (Hyperhydrosis)
  • Arqe mantin (Dyhydrosis)
  • Bafa (Seborrheic scalp)


2.         Amraaze Shar (Hair disorders)

  • Intisaar Shaar (Hair fall)
  • Qummul wa Sibyan (Pedicullosis)
  • Daus salab 
  • Daul Hayya
  • Sheb
  • Sa'fa


3.         Amraaze Azfaar (Diseases of Nails)

  • Zufrae Talaqiya (Nails)
  • Taffaful azfaar
  • Tashaqqaqul azfaar
  • Razzul azfaar


4.         Amraaze Mafasil (Joint Diseases)

  • Wajaul Mafasil
  • Iltihabe Mafasil
  • Niqris (Gout)
  • Irqunnasa (Sciatica)
  • Tahajjure Mafasil (Osteo-arthritis)
  • Wajaul warik (Pain in hip joint)
  • Wajaul aqab (Pain in calcaneous bone)
  • Hadba wa Riyahul afrasa (Kyphosis)
  • Warme Fuqraat (Spondylitis)




      PAPER- II     (Amraaze Nizame Asaab (Diseases of Nervous System)


1. Amraaze Dimagh (Brain Diseases)

·         Introduction

·         Causes, pathology, clinical features, investigations and diagnosis, differential

diagnosis, principles of treatment and complications of following diseases:

Suda (Headache)

·Sudae Sazaj (Simple Headache)

·Sudae baiza khuza (Organic Headache)

·             Sudae aasaba (Neurogenic Headache)

· Sudae Shaqeeqa (Migraine)

· Sudae zoufe Dimagh (Headache due to brain weakness)

                     Sudae Shirki (Associated Headache)

·             Sudae Medi (Gastro Nervous Headache)

·             Sudae zighti (Tension Headache)

·             Sudae zoufe basri (Ophthalmic Headache)

·           Sarsam (Meningitis)

·           Iltihabe Dimagh (Encephalitis)

·           Sarsam Dimaghi wa Nukhayi (Meningococcal Meningitis)

·           Salaate Dimagh (Brain Tumours)

·           Khuraje Dimagh (Brain Abscess)

·           Nazfuddam Dimaghi (Cerebral Haemorrhage)

·           Takhassuruddam Dimaghi (Cerebral Thrombosis)

·           Tasaddude Dimaghi (Cerebral Embolism)

·           Falij aur uski aqsaam (Paralysis and its classification)

·           Laqwa (Facial Paralysis)

·           Huzale Zahri (Tabes Dorsalis)

·           Duwar (Vertigo)

·           Subat (Coma)

·           Nisyan (Amnesia)

·           Sara (Epilepsy)

·           Daur Raqs (Chorea)

·           Ra’sha (Tremors)

·           Marze Parkinson (parkinson's diseases)

·           Marze Alzheimer (Alzheimer' s diseases)


·            Warme Aasab (Neuritis)

·            Wajaul Aasab (Neuralgia)

Amraaze Nafsani (Psychiatric Diseases)

·        Introduction

·        Classification

·        Iztarabi lkhtalal (Anxiety disorders)

·        Huboot/Khumood (Depression)

·        Ikhtalae Shaksiyati (Personality disorders)

·        Mania

·        Malankholiya (Melancholia)

·        Fusaam (Schizophrenia)

·        Ikhtinaqur raham (Hysteria)

·        Junoon (Dementia)

·        Kaboos (Nightmare)

·        Sehar (Insomnia)

·        Ibtae Zehni (Mental retardation)

·        Idmanul Adviya wa Alkuhal (Drug addiction and alcoholism)


Practical Training


The practical/clinical teaching of the subject shall be conducted in hospital which include OPD/IPD duties, ward rounds, clinical demonstration, the minimum hours of teaching should not be less than 50 hours in each term for each paper.

Audio visual aids should be utilized for teaching purposes and at least one seminar

should be conducted once in a, month on important topic of medicine with practical demonstration.



   PAPER- II    Amraaze Nizame Asaab (Diseases of Nervous System)


1. Amraaze Dimagh (Brain Diseases)

·         Introduction

·         Causes, pathology, clinical features, investigations and diagnosis, differential

diagnosis, principles of treatment and complications of following diseases:

·          Suda (Headache)

·          Sudae Sazaj (Simple Headache)

·          Sudae baiza khuza (Organic Headache)

·          Sudae aasaba (Neurogenic Headache)

·          Sudae Shaqeeqa (Migraine)

·          Sudae zoufe Dimagh (Headache due to brain weakness)

·          Sudae Shirki (Associated Headache)

·          Sudae Medi (Gastro Nervous Headache)

·          Sudae zighti (Tension Headache)

·          Sudae zoufe basri (Ophthalmic Headache)

o       Sarsam (Meningitis)

o       Iltihabe Dimagh (Encephalitis)

o       Sarsam Dimaghi wa Nukhayi (Meningococcal Meningitis)

o       Salaate Dimagh (Brain Tumours)

o       Khuraje Dimagh (Brain Abscess)

o       Nazfuddam Dimaghi (Cerebral Haemorrhage)

o       Takhassuruddam Dimaghi (Cerebral Thrombosis)

o       Tasaddude Dimaghi (Cerebral Embolism)

o       Falij aur uski aqsaam (Paralysis and its classification)

o       Laqwa (Facial Paralysis)

o       Huzale Zahri (Tabes Dorsalis)

o       Duwar (Vertigo)

o       Subat (Coma)

o       Nisyan (Amnesia)

o       Sara (Epilepsy)

o       Daur Raqs (Chorea)

o       Ra’sha (Tremors)

o       Marze Parkinson (parkinson's diseases)

o       Marze Alzheimer (Alzheimer' s diseases)


o        Warme Aasab (Neuritis)

o        Wajaul Aasab (Neuralgia)                                                                                                         


o        Amraaze Nafsani (Psychiatric Diseases)

·        Introduction

·        Classification

·        Iztarabi lkhtalal (Anxiety disorders)

·        Huboot/Khumood (Depression)

·        Ikhtalae Shaksiyati (Personality disorders)

·        Mania

·        Malankholiya (Melancholia)

·        Fusaam (Schizophrenia)

·        Ikhtinaqur raham (Hysteria)

·        Junoon (Dementia)

·        Kaboos (Nightmare)

·        Sehar (Insomnia)

·        Ibtae Zehni (Mental retardation)

·        Idmanul Adviya wa Alkuhal (Drug addiction and alcoholism)

Practical Training

The practical/clinical teaching of the subject shall be conducted in hospital which include OPD/IPD duties, ward rounds, clinical demonstration, the minimum hours of teaching should not be less than 50 hours in each term for each paper.

Audio visual aids should be utilized for teaching purposes and at least one seminar should be conducted once in a, month on important topic of medicine with practical demonstration.





Paper - I             


   Amraaze Qalb wa Urooq (Cardiovascular Diseases)


·  General introduction

·    Classification

·         Important signs and symptoms of cardiac dysfunction

·        Causes, pathology, clinical features, investigations and diagnosis, differential diagnosis, principles of treatment and  complications of following diseases:

·        Sooe Mizaj Qalb

·        Khaf’khan

·        Wajaul Qalb (Angina Pectoris)

·        Iflaase Qalb (Ischaemic Heart Disease and Myocardial Infarction)

·        Ietilale Azlaate Qalb (Cardiomyopathies)

     Iltihabe Batanae Qalb (Endocarditis)

·        Daul Qalb Hudari (Rheumatic Heart disease

·        Amraaze Samamaate Qalb (Valvular diseases)

·        Tazayyuqe Zur rasain (Mitral Stenosis)

·         Tazayyuqe Aorta (Aortic Stenosis)

·        Qusoore Zurrasain (Mitral Incompetence)

·        Qusoore Aorta (Aortic Incompetence)

·        Manuate Qalb (Heart Block)

·        Suqoote Qalb Aiman wa Aisar (Right and left ventricular failure)

·        Amraaze Urooqe Damviya (Diseases of Blood vessels)

·        Fisharuddam (Hypertension)

·        Suqoote Daurane Khoon Satahi (Peripheral circulatory failure)

·        Tasallube Sharaeen (Atherosclerosis)

·        Iltihab Auridah Takhasri (Thrombophlelibitis)


Amraaze Tanaffus (Respiratory Diseases) :

·          General description

·         Classification of respiratory diseases

·         Causes, pathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, principles of treatment, treatment and complications of following disorders :

    Iltihabe Shoub (Bronchitis)

·         Rabue Shoubi (Bronchial Asthma)

·         Tadarrune Revi (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)

·        Zatur Riya (Pneumonia)

·         Sartane Shobatur Riya (Bronchial Carcinoma)

·         Dubaelatur Riya (Lung Abscess)

·         Ittisae Shobatur Riya (Bronchiectasis)

·         Nafkhatur Riya (Emphysema)

·         Taqayyuhur Riya (Empyema)

· Nafkhatus Sadr (Pneumothorax) • Zatul Janb (Pleurisy)

• Daul Qalb Revi (Cor Pulmonale)

Practical traininq

The practical/clinical teaching of the subject shall be conducted in hospital which include OPD/IPD duties, ward rounds, clinical demonstration, the minimum hours of teaching should not be less than 50 hours in each term for each paper.

Audio visual aids should be utilized for teaching purposes and at least one seminar should be conducted once in a month on important topics of medicine with practical demonstration.





Amraaze Nizame Hazm wa Tanasulia (Diseases of Digestive and Reproductive  System):

Causes, pathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, principles of treatment, treatment and complications of following disorders:


1.    Amraaze Mari (Oesophagial disorders)

·        Warme Mari (Esophagitis)

·        lstirkhae Mari (Motor disorders of esophagus / Achlasia)

·        Jazrul Mari (Reflux esophagitis)

·         Usrul bala (Dysphagia)

2. Amraaze Meda (Diseases of stomach)

·         Zoafe Meda

·         Sooe Mizaj Meda

·         Warme Meda (Gastritis)

·         Qarhe Meda wa Asna Ashri (Gastric & Duodenal ulcer)

·         Sal'aate Meda (Tumors of stomach)

·         Naf’kh (Flatulence)

·         Fawaq (Hiccup)

·         Qillat wa kasrate humoozate Medi (Hypo and hyper acidity)

·         Naqse Ishteha (Anorexia)

·         Ghasyan (Nausea)

·         Tehevvo (Eructation)

·         Barazuddam (Melaena)

·         Sooe Hazm (Indigestion)

·         Baulimoos (Bulimia)

3. Amraaze Mevi (Intestinal diseases)

·         Warme Am'aa (Enteritis)

·        Tadarrune Mevi (Intestinal tuberculosis)

·        Is'haal (Diarrhoea)

·         Warme Qoloon (Colitis)

·        Zaheer (Dysentery)

·        Sahaje Am'aa (Intestinal Erosion)

·         Zalaqul Am'aa                                                                           



·.      Irritable bowel syndrome

·        Qoolanje Am'aa (Intestinal colic)

·        Zusantaria Mevi wa Kabidi

·        Deedane Am'aa (Intestinal parasites)

·        Bawaseer (Haemorrhoids)

·        Shiqaqul Maqad (Fissure in Ano)

·         Khurooje Maqad (Rectal prolapse)

·          Warme Baritoon (Peritonitis)


4.     Amraaze Kabid (Liver diseases):

·        Zoafe Kabid

·        Sooe mijaz Kabid

·        Warme Kabid (Hepatitis)

·        Dubailatul Kabid (Liver abcess)

·        Talayyuful Kabid (Cirrhosis of liver)

·        Sartanul Kabid (Hepatic carcinoma)

·        Yarqan

·        Sooul Qiniya

·        Marze Akhzar (Chlorosis)

·        Istis’qua (Ascites)

·        Suqoote Kabid (Hepatic failure)

5.     Amraaze Mirara (Diseases of gall bladder):

·        Warme Mirara (Cholecystitis)

·        Hisatul Mirara (Cholelithiasis)

·        Sartane Mirara (Carcinoma of gall bladder)

6.     Amraaze Dam wa Tauleede Dam (Diseases of Blood & Haemopoiesis)

·        Faqruddam (Anaemia)

·        lbyaze dam (Leukemia)

·        Nazfuddam Mizaji (Haemophilia)

·        Qillate Sufehiyatuddam (fhrombocytopenia)

7.     Amraaze Istihala wa Ghudade la qanati (Metabaulic and endocrine diseases)

·        Ziabetus Shakeri (Diabetes mellitus)

·        Ghotar ( Goitre)

·        Tasammume Darqee (Thyrotoxicosis)

·        Simane Mufrat (Obesity)

·         Ozame mukhati (Myxodema)

·        Nimoo ghair Tabayee (Acromegaly)

·        Izamul atraf (Gigantism)

·        Qazamah (Dwarfism)

·        Cushing's syndrome

·        Addison's disease

 8.        Amraaze Nizame Baul (Disease of Urinary System)

·         Zoufe Killiya

·         Warme Killiya

·        Diqqul Killiya (Renal tuberculosis)

·         Hisatul Killiya (Renal stones)

·         Wajaul Killiya (Renal pain)

·        Suqoote Killiya (Renal failure)

·         Sa'laate Killiya (Renal tumours)

·         Tasammume bouli (Uremia)

·         Reehul Killiya

9.     Amraaze Masana (Bladder disorders):

·         Zoafe Masana

·        Warme Masana (Cystitis)

·        Hisate Masana (Bladder Stones)

·         Istirkhae Masana (Atonic Bladder)

·         Ihtebase Baul (Anurea)

·        Sil sile Baul (polyurea)

·         Sur’ate qanate bouli (Urethral flow)

·         Bauluddam (Haematuria)                           

·        Baule Zulali (Proteinurea)

10.    Amraaze Tanasul (Genital disorders):

·         Zoafe bah

·        Sur’ate anzaal (premature ejaculation)

·        Kasrate Ihtilam (Excessive nocturnal emissions)

·         Jaryane mani wa mazi

·         Warme ghuddae mazi (Prostatitis)

·         Warme Khusia (Orchitis)

·        Sighre Khusia (Testicular atrophy)

·        Izme Khusia (Testicular hypertrophy)

·         Qillate Haiwanya manviya (Oligospermia)





Practical Training:

The practical/clinical teaching of the subject shall be conducted in hospital wJlich include OPD/lPD duties, ward rounds, clinical demonstration, the minimum hours of teaching shoqld not be less than 50 hours in each term for each paper.

Audio visual aids should be utilized for teaching purposes and at least one seminar should pe conducted once in a month on important topic of medicine with practical demonstration.


                       JARAHIYAT AAMMA ( GENERAL SURGERY )

Paper – I

1. Tareekhi Khaka (Historical aspects)

2. Iltihab (Inflammation):    

                          Mahiyat (Pathology)

                          Asbaab ( Causes )

                          Darjabandi (Classification)

Alamaat (clinical features),

Awarizat (complications)

Ilaaj (treatment),

3. Jarahat (Wounds):

  Darjabandi (Classification),

   Alamaat (Clinical features),

    Usoole Ilaaj (Principles of treatment),

4. Ta’diya (Infection):

a) Tadiya umoomi (General Infection):

Taffunuddam (Septicaemia), Tasmmumuddam(Toxaemia ), Taqihuddam (pyaemia),

Jaraseemuddam (Bacteraemia)

Aam advia ki tajweez (General prescription of the Unani and Allopathic drugs).

Jaraseemekush (Antibiotics),

Vairoosi kush (Antiviral),

Phaphoond kush (Antifungal)

b) Ghair nauvi tadiya (Non specific infection):

Itihabe khalvi (Cellulitis), Kharaj aur Aqsaam (Abscess and its types), Dubaila (Boils), Busoo (Carbuncle), Shabe chiragh (Erysipelas), Hamara ( Anthrax), Kharaje barid ( Cold abscess).

c) Nauvi Tadiya(Specific Infections):

Soozak(Gonorrhoea), Atashak (Syphilis), Diq (Tuberculosis ), Kuzaaz (Tetanus) Khunnaq (Diphtheria) ,Juzaam ( Leprosy), AQMA(AIDS),  Daul feel ( Filariasis)

5.  Majri ( Sinus) and Nasoor (fistula), Qurooh(Ulcer ), Ghangharana(Gangrene ),         Dauz zaheb(Lupus Vulgaris)


6. Harq wa salq (Burns and Scald),

Darjabandi ( classification)

Alamaat ( clinical features),

Awarizat( complications)

Ilaaj ( treatment),

Jildi tateem (Skin grafting) and its types, process of healing, Usoole Ilaaj (principles of treatment).

7. Sal’aat (Tumours) and Akyas (Cysts):

Darjabandi( Classification),

Alamaat ( Clinical features),

Usoole Ilaaj( Priciples of treatment),

8.  Nakhoon ke umooomi Amraaz (Common diseases of nail)

9. Tawazune Sayyalaat wa Namkiyat (Fluids and electrolyte balance), Tawazune Hamz wa isaas (Acid-Base balance),

Ghair mewi taghziya ( Parenteral nutrition).

10.  Jaryanuddam (Haemorrhage), Sadma(Shock), Darjabandi ( classification) Alamaat ( clinical features),

Awarizaat( complications)

Ilaaj( treatment),

11.  Intiqaluddam (Blood transfusion) Mazhar zaroorat (Indications)

Ijtima (Collection)

Tareeqae Intiqal (Method of transfusion)

Awarizaat (Complications) aur unka Ilaaj (and their treatment)

12. Amale takhdeer (Anaesthesia):

(a)           Tarikhi Khaka (Historical aspect)

(b)           M'uaina qable takhdeer (Pre-anaesthetic assessment) and Istimaale Advia qable takhdeer (pre-anaesthetic medication)

(c)           Aqsaame Amale takhdeer (Types of anaesthesia)


(i)            Amale takhdeer umoomi (General Anaesthesia)                                                              (ii)    Amale takhdeer Aqalimi (Regional Anaesthesia)

(iii) Amale takhdeer nukhaee (Spinal Anaesthesia)

(iv) Amale takhdeer Bairoone jafiya (Epidural anaesthesia)

(v) Amale takhdeer muqami (Local Anaesthesia)

Mundarja bala amale takhdeer ke tariqa kar, mustamil advia, ifadiyat wa awarizat aur unka Ilaaj (Methods/procedures of above mentioned types of anaesthesia, drugs I anaesthetic agents, benefits, complications and management.)

13.  Huboot Ilaaj Qalb wa Riya (Acute Cardio-Pulmanary Resusciation)

14.  Masnueei amale tanaffus (Artificial Respiration)

15.  Ilaaj bit Tasneem (Oxygen Therapy)

16.  Ilmul Azaam wa mafasil (Orthopedics):

a)   Tarikhi Khaka (Historical aspect)

Ta’reef (definition) and umoomi bayan (general description)

b)   Kasr (Fractures):

   (i) Umoomi bayan (General description), Darjabandi (classification), Alamaat (clinical features), Awarizat( complications), Ilaaj (treatment),

(ii) Balaee atraf ke kusoor, Kasre tar’qua , Uzd, Zanade ala wa asfal, Izam­e mashtul yed, Izame rasghul yed (Fracture of bones of upper limb and its management: clavicle, humerus, radius and ulna, metacarpal bones and carpal bones.)

(iii) Zereen atraaf ke kusoor aur unka Ilaaj, Aana, Qasbae Kubra, Qasbae Sughra, Mushtul qadam wa Rusghul qadam, Azmul Fakhaj, & Raz’fa (Fractures of bones of lower limb and its management: Pelvis, tibia and fibula, tarsal and metatarsal bones Femur and patella)

(iv) Kasre umudul fuqrat (Fracture of the spine)

(v) Kasre fakke aala wa asfal (Fracture of Jaws)


     (c) Khala aur uska Ilaij (Dislocations and its management)             

(i) Bala'ee atraaf (Upper limb)

(ii) Zereen atraaf (Lower limb)

(iii) Khurooje qurs bainul fuqrat (Inter-vertebral disc prolapse)


      (d) Irqunnasa (Sciatica syndrome)

  (e) Amraaze Azam wa mafasil (Diseases of the bones and joints):

 (i) Iltihabe mukhul azam aur uske aqsaam (Osteomyelitis and its types):

Sadidi (pyogenic), diqi (Tubercular) and atishaki (syphilitic) (ii) Iltihabe mafasil wa aqsaam (Arthritis and its types)

(ii) Tadarrune fuqrat (Tuberculosis of spine)


(f) Amraaze istihala (Metabolic disorders):

(i) Kusah (Rickets)

(ii) Layyanul Izam (Osteomalacia)

(iii) Niqris (Gout)

(iv) Tahajjurul mafasil (Osteoarthritis),Hudari Wajaul mafasil (Rheumatoid arthritis)

(v)  Takhalkhul Izam(Osteoporosis)

          (g) Salaatul Izam (Tumors of bones)

                 i)    Salaate mehmooda (benign tumors)

ii)  Salaate khabisa (malignant tumors)


17. Zarbe ansaja layyan wa Ilaaj (Soft tissue iniuries and its management):

   (i)         Zarbe Azlaat (Injury of muscles)

(ii)        Altawae Azlaat (Sprain of muscles)

(iii)       Rabataat, Awtar wa lafaif ke amraaz ka umoomi bayan (General description of diseases of muscles, ligaments and fasciae)




            PAPER - II

1. Raas (Head):

(i) Zaaheri aur baatni zarbat (External and internal injuries)

(ii) Kasoore Jamjama (Fractures of skull bones)

iii) Zarbaate Dimagh (Injuries of Brain)

2. Sadar (Thorax):

  (i) Zaheri aur baatni zarbate Sadr aur inka intezam (External and internal injuries of thorax and their management).

(ii) Taqeehus Sadr (Empyema)


3. Mari (Oesophagus)

(i) Irtadale  Medi Mari (GORD)

(ii)Ajsame Ghareeba Mari ( Foreign body in Oesophagus)

4. Batan (Abdomen):

(a) Meda (Stomach)

(i) Iltihabe Meda ( Gastritis)

(ii) Qarahe Meda wa Asna ashri (Gastric and Duodenal ulcer)

(iii) Sartaane Meda (Carcinoma of stomach)

5. Ama'a (Intestine):

(i) Warme Zaaede Aawar ( Appendicitis)

(ii) Tadarrune Ama'a (Intestinal tuberculosis)

(iii) Insidade Ama'a (Intestinal obstruction)

(iv) Taqarruhi Iltihabe Qoloon (Ulcerative Colitis )

(v) Crohn's disease

(vi) Salaate Mevi ( Intestinal tumors )

6. Fataq (Hernia)

7. Maqad wa Qanaate Mabraz (Rectum and Anal canal)

   (i) Inshaqaqe Maqad (Anal fissure)

   (ii) Nasoore Maqad (Fistula-in-ano)

   (iii) Bawaseer (Haemorrhoid)

   (iv) Massae Maqad (Rectal polyp)

   (v) Khurooje Maqad (Prolapse of rectum)

   (vi) Sartaane Maqad( Carcinoma of rectum)

8. Baaretoon (Peritoneum)

(i)         Iltihabe Baaretoon (Peritonitis)

(ii)        Istisqa (Ascites)

9. Mirara (Gall Bladder):

   (i)         Hisate Mirara (Cholelithiasis)

(ii)        Iltihabe Mirara (Cholecystitis)

(iii)       Yarqaane Suddi (Obrstuctive Jaundice)

10. Banqaraas (Pancreas):

(i)         Iltihabe Banqaras (Pancreatitis)

(ii)        Sartaane Banqaras (Carcinoma of Pancreas)

11. Tihaal (Spleen)

    (i)        AzmeTihaal (Spleenomegaly)

     (ii)      Zarbe Tihaal (Injury of Spleen)

 (iii)      Qatae Tihaal ke Mawaqe (Indications of Splenectomy)

12. Diaphargama (Diaphragm):

   (i)        Dubelae Tehtul Diaphargama (Subphrenic abscess)

13. Kabid (Liver):

   (i)        Izme Kabid (Hepatomegaly)

(ii)        Dubelae Kabid(Liver Abscess)

(iii)       Kabid ko Muntaqil karne ke Mawaqe (Indications of Liver transplantation)

14. Majraae Baul (Urinary tract):

(a) Amraaze Killiya (Diseases of kidney)

(i)            Khalqi badwazae (Congenital anomalies)

(ii) Zarbate Majrae Baul (Injuries of urinary tract)

(iii) Hisaate Killiya (Renal Calculi)

(iv) Akyase Killiya (Polycystic Kidney)

(v) Maa'ul Killiya (Hydronephrosis)

(vi) Iltihab wa Ijtamae Sadeede Killiya (Pyelonephritis)

(vii) Tadarrune Killiya (Tuberculosis of the Kidney )

(b) Amraaze Masana (Deseases of urinary bladder)

(i)         ltihabe Masana (Cystitis)

(ii)        Ojaje Masana (Direvticulum of urinary bladder)

(iii)       Hisaate Masana (Vesical calculi)

(c) Amraaze Majrae baul (Deseases of urinary bladder)

   (i)         Iltihabe Majrae Baul (Urethritis)

(ii)        Tazeeqe Majrae Baul (Urethral stricture)

(iii)       Zarbate Majrae Baul (Urethral injury)

15. Nizaame Tanaasul (Genital System):

   (i)         Zeeqe Ghalfa (Phimosis)

(ii)        Jar Zeeqe Ghalfa (Paraphimosis)

(iii)       Sartane Qazeeb( Carcinoma of Penis)

(iv)       Iltihabe Aghdeedoos (Epididymitis)

(v)                 Iltihabe Khusya wa Aghdeedoos (Epididymo-orchitis)

(vi)       Qeelae Maaia (Hydrocele)

(vii)      Qeelae Damvi (Haematocele)

(viii)     Dawali saf’n (Varicocele)

(ix)       Khusyon ki khalqi Badwazae (Congenital anamolies of testes)

   (x)       Salaate Khusya (Testicular tumour)

(xi)       Iltihabe Ghuddae Mazi (Prostatitis)

(xii)           Izme Ghuddae Mazi (Benign enlargement of Prostate) (xiii) Sartaane Ghuddae

Mazi (Carcinoma of Prostate)

16.              Saddyain (Breasts):

   (i)         Sadayain ki Khalqi Badwazae (Congenital anamolies of Breasts)

    (ii)       Iltihabe Saddy (Mastitis)

(iii)       Khuraje Saddy (Breast abscess)

 (iv)      Sala'ate Saddy (Breast tumors)


Tareeqae Ta’theer (Methods of Sterilization), Shinakht Aalate Jarahiya (Identification of surgical instruments), Aqsaame Khayatat,Tareeqe wa mawaad (Types of suturing, methods and material), Darroone wareedi sayyal (IV fluids), Intiqaluddam (Blood transfusion), Taseeb (Dressing), Huqna (Enema), Masnui Tanaffus (Artifical respiration), Oxygen ka istemal ( use of oxygen), Amle ihtiquan (Injection), Fasad (Venesection), Amle Bat (Aspiration),Amle ­Bazl( (Paracentesis), Khaz’ae Ansaja (Tissue biopsy), Khatna (Circumcision), Fat’hul ­Mahbal( (Meatotomy),  CryoSurgery, Barron Banding, Qatae Nawaseer( Polypectomy), Jarahate Qeelae Maa'ya( Operation of Hydrocele), Mardana Nasbandi (Vasectomy). Recanalization, Anbooba medi anfi ka istemal (use of Ryle's tube), Anboobe Maq'adi (Flatus tube), Amle Qasateer

(Catheterization), Anboobe ­ikhrajee ( Drainage tube), Amle Kai (Cautery), Nail extraction, Muaina bazarya Tanzeer, Amle Tafteet wa Laser ki Aam maloomat (General knowledge of Scopy, Lithotrypsy and Laser treatment).


Mundarja zail Muaina ki Report (Reporting of the following investigations):

    a) X-ray          b) Ultrasonography

c) Scanning d) MRI


Practicals will be conducted at Bedside on patients and students have to prepare at least 20 clinical records and have to submit the same after correction and alteration from the concerned teacher & Head of the department.




                        (Ophthalmology and Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat)


Paper – I. (Amraaze Ain)

1.       Ain ki tashreeh aur munafe (Anatomy and Physiology of Eye)

2.      Muainae Ain aur uske mukhtalif tareeqe (examination of the eye and its various methods)

3. Amraaze Ain (Diseaes of the eye)

A.           Amaraze ajfaan (Diseases of the eye lids)

- Iltasaqul jafn (Symblepharon)

- Jusatul jafn (Ankylo blepharon)

- Sulaq/warme ajfaan (Blepharitis)

- Istirkhae jafn (Ptosis)

- bar’dah (Chalazion/ meibomian cyst)

- Shatra e dakhli wa kharji  (Entropion and Ectropion)

- Sha’re munqalib (Trichiasis)

- Sha’re zayed (Districhiasis)

      B       Alae damai ke amraaz (Diseases of lacrimal apparatus)

- Iltihabe ghuddae damai (Dacryo-adenitis)

- Iltihabe keesae damai (Dacryocystitis)

- Salae ghuddae damai (Tumors of the lacrimal gland)

-  Gharb (Fistula lacrimallis)

-  Dama’a (Epiphora)


C. Amraaze mehjareen (Orbital diseases)

- Humzul Ain (Exophthalmos)

- Sillul Ain (Atrophy of the eye)

- Mehjari khalvi iltihab (Orbital cellulitis)

            D. Amraaze multehma (Diseases of conjunctiva)

-Ramade Haad,(Acute conjunctivitis)

Ramade Mausami (Vernal conjunctivitis)

Wadqa (Phylectenular conujunctivitis)

-Zafrah/Nakhuna (Pterygium)

-Jarbul Ajfaan (Trachoma)

                        E. Amraaze qarniya (Diseases of cornea)

Iltihabe qarniya, haad wa muzmin (Acute and chronic keratitis)

-Quroohe qarniya (Corneal ulcer)

Iltihabe naseejul qarniya( Interstitial keratitis)

-Burooze qarniya (Keratectasia)

-Bayaze qarniya (Corneal opacity)

-Zarabul qarniya (Contusion of cornea)

                        F. Amraaze Inabiya (Diseases of iris)

Iltihabe  Inabiya (Iritis)

- Iltihabe jisme  hadbi (Iridocyclitis)

Zeeqe Hadqa (Miosis)

Ittasae Hadqa (Mydriasis)

-Zaraqul Ma (Glaucoma)

G. Amraaze Tabqae Masheema (Diseases of choroid)

             - Iltihabe  tabqae masheema (choroiditis)

-Tabqae masheema ka lahmi salaa (myoma of the choroid)


H. Amraaze shabkiya (Diseases of Retina)

- Iltihabe shabkiya (Retinitis)

             I. Amraaze Adasa (Diseases of Lens)

- Nuzoolul ma (Cataract)   

J. Amraaze Basarat (Visual Disorders)

         -Qareeb nazri (Myopia)

-Baeed nazri (Hypermetropia)

-Basare sheikhookhat (Presbyopia)

-Khalale basar/sudad nazri (Astigmatism)

-Zoefe basar (Amblyopia)

Isha/shabkori (Night blindness)

-Jahar / Rozkori (Day blindness)

- Hewal (squint)

-Fisharuddam ke Aankh par asraat

(Effects of hypertension on eye)

-Ziabitus shakri ke Aankh per asraat (Effects of diabetes mellitus on eye)

-Qazaul chashm (Foreign body in the eye)

JUZE AMALI (Practicals)     

Moainae chashm umoomi (General examination of eye)


Moainae Ajfan, Multahma, Quroohe Qarnia, Hadqa (Examination of Eye lids, Conjunctiva, Eye ball, Cornea and Pupil)

Ankh ke androoni dabao ka moaina (examination of intraocular pressure)

 - Imtihane naqaise inetaf (Examination of refractive errors)


-  Alaate Ain ki pehchan aur mawaqe istemal (Demonstration of ophthalmic instruments and

     their uses)

- Roodade marz (10 patients Case-sheets to be prepared)

- Alaat ke khake me mawaqe istemal (Records of diagrams of Ophthalmic instruments and their  

   indication, 10 sheets)


    Amraaze Ain wa Amraaze Uzn, Anaf wa Halaq

                  (Ophthalmology and Diseases of Ear, Nose &Throat

Paper - II (Amraaze Uzn, Anaf wa Halaq)


1.                  Uzn ki Tashreehe umoomi, Munafe wa Mikaniyate Sama’at

(Anatomy, Physiology of Ear & Mechanism of Hearing)

2.                  Muainae   Uzn (Examination of Ear)

3.                  Behrapan (Deafness)

4.                  Wajaul Uzn (Otalgia)

5.                  Iltihaabe Uzn wasti sadeedi haad (Acute suppurative otitis media)

6.                  Iltihaabe Uzn wasti sadeedi muzmin (Chronic suppurative otitis media)

7.                  Iltihab Sudgi Hulmi (Mastoiditis)

8.         Taneen wa Dawi (Tinnitus)

9.        Qulaul Uzn (Otitis Externa)

10.      Qazaul Uzn (Foreign Body in the Ear)

11.              Wasaq (Wax)

ANAF (Nose)


1.                  Tashreeh wa Munafe wa Mekaniyate Sham (Anatomy, physiology of Nose and

mechanism of olfaction).

2.                  Moainae Anaf (Examination of Nose )

3.                  Iltihabe Anaf  Haad (Acute Rhinitis)

4.                  Illtihaabe Anaf muzmin (Chronic Rhinitis)

5.                  Iltihab Tajaweefe Anaf aur uski aqsaam (Sinusitis & its classification)

6.                  Fasade Sham (Disorder of olfaction)

7.                  Busoor wa Qurooh (Nasal Boils & Ulcers)

8.                  Bawaseere anaf (Nasal polyp)

9.         Ru’af /Nakseer (Epistaxis)

10.              Munharif fasile Anaf (Deviated nasal septum)

11.              Qazaul Anaf (Foreign body in the Nose)


Halaq (Throat)

1.   Halaq ki Tashreeh umoomi wa Munafe (Anatomy & Physiology of Throat)

2.   Muaenae Halaq (Examination of Throat)

3.   Amraaze Halaq (Diseaes of Throat)

4.   Iltihabe Balaum (Pharyngtis)

5.   Usrul Bala (Dysphagia)

6.   Iltihabe Lauzatain (Tonsillitis)

7.   Khuraje Atrafe Laozatain (Quinsy)

8.   Iltihabe Hanjarah (Laryngitis)


 Jaufe Fam ki tashreeh wa munafe (Anatomy & physiology of Oral Cavity)


1.  Muaenae Fam (Examination of Oral Cavity)

Lisan (Tongue)

1. Lisan ki Tashreeh wa Munafe (Anatomy & Physiology of Tongue)

2. Moainae Lisan (Examination of Tongue)

3. Iltihabe Lisan (Glossitis) 

4. Iltihabe Shift (Cheilitis)

5. Busoor wa Qurooh Shiftain (Herpes Labialis)

Asnaan wa Lissa (Teeth and Gums)

1.Tashreeh wa Munafe Asnaan wa Lissa(Antomy & Physiology of Teeth and Gums)

2. Muainae Asnan wa Lissa (examination of Teeth & Gums)

3.  Amraaze Asnan wa Lissa (Diseases of Teeth and Gums)

4.  Wajaul Asnan (Tooth ache) 

5. Takkulul Asnan (Dental carries)

                     6. Taqayyuhul Lissa (Pyorrhoea)

   7. Iltihabe Lissa (Gingivitis)



Examination of External Ear

Hearing Test


Demonstration of anterior and posterior Rhinoscopy.

Examination of Tongue, Teeth and Buccal cavity.

Students should prepare clinical records of minimum 10 patients and record of ten ENT instruments.




(Gynaecology, Paediatrics & Obstetrics and Diseases of new born)

                 Paper -I (Amraaze Niswan wa Atfaal)


(1)        Tashreeh AzaeTanasulya wa ghair Tabai Shaklein (Anatomy of female genital organ & malformation of genital tract)

(2)        Afale Aza (physiology of genital organ)

(3)        Balughat and sine yaas (Puberty and Menopause)

(4)        Tabae IdrareTams wa Fatoorate Tams (Physiology of menstruation and menstrual disorders)

            (i)         Ihtabaase Tams (Amenorrhoea)

(ii)        Tams Makhfi or Tams Kazib (Cryptomenorrhoea)

(iii)       Usre Tams (Dysmenorrhoea)

(iv)       Qillate Tams (Oligomenorrhoea)

            (v)        Tahtut Tams (Hypomenorrhoea)

(vi)       Taadoode Tams (Polymenorrhoea)

(vii)      Kasrate Tams (Menorrhagia)

(viii)     Istehaza (Metrorrhogia)

(ix)       Nazfur Reham usrul wazeefi ( Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding )

(x)        Nazafur Reham bad sine yaas (Post menopausal bleeding)

(5)        Amraaze Furj (Diseases of Vulva)

 (i)        Hikkatul Furj (Pruritus Vulvae)

 (ii)       Jarabul Furj (Scabies ofVulvae)

 (iii       Quroohul Furj (Ulcers of Vulva)

(iv)       Izmul Bazar (Enlargement of clitoris)

(6) Amraaze Mehbal (Diseases of Vagina )

            (i)         Iltihabe Mehbal (Vaginitis)

(ii)        Quroohe Mehbal (Ulcers of Vagina)

(iii)       Istirkhae Mehbal (Atony of Vagina)

(iv)       Khurooje Mehbal (Prolapse of Vagina)

(v)        Tashannuje Mehbal (Vaginismus)

(7) Amraaze Reham (Diseases of Uterus)

            (i)         Iltihabe Unaqur Reham (Cervicitis)

(ii)        Taakkul Unaqur Reham (Cervical erosion)

(iii)       Salaate unaq-ur-Reham (Tumours of cervix)

(iv)       Iltihabe Reham (Inflammation of Uterus)

            (v)        Mailanur Reham (Version of Uterus).

(vi)       Aujajur Reham (Flexion of Uterus)

(vi)             Inzalaqe Reham or Khurooje Reham (Prolapse of Uterus)

(vii)           (viii) Inqalabe Reham (Inversion of Uterus)

(ix)       Salaate Reham (Tumours of Uterus)

(xi)       Ijtamae Sadeede Reham (Pyometra)

(xii)      Insheqaaqe Reham (Rupture or perforation of Uterus)

(xiii)     Sue Mizaje Reham (Impaired temprement of uterus)


(8) Amraaze Qazefain wa Khusyatur Reham (Diseases of the Fallopian tubes and Ovaries)

(i)         Iltihabe Qazifain (Salpingitis)

(ii)        Istisqae Qazifain (hydrosalpinx)

(iii)       Anbubi Ijtamae Sadeed (pyosalpinx)

(iv)       Anbubi Mubeezi Khuraj (Tubo-ovarian abscess)

(v)        Iltihabe Khusyatur Reham (Oophoritis)

            (vi)       Inzlaqe Khusyatur Reham (Prolapse of ovaries)

(vii)      Daweera wa Salaat Khusyatur Reham (Cyst and tumours of ovaries)

(9) Sailanur Reham (Vaginal Discharge)

(10) Amraaze Zahraviya (Sexually Transmitted Diseasess)

            (i) Qarahe Rikhu (Soft Sore or Chancroid)

(ii) Atishak (Syphilis)

(iii) Sozak (Gonorrhoea)

(iv) Tadarrune Azae Tanasulya (Genital Tuberculosis)

(v) Illat Qillate Manaate  Iktisabi (AQMA) (Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome)

(11)     Azae Tanasulya ke Zarbaat (Injuries of Genital tract)

(12)     Azae Tanasulya ke Naasoor (Genital tract fistulae)

(13)      Iltisaqe Azae Tanasulia (Adhesions & Atresia of genital tract)

(14)     Taghayyurate Bainul Jins (Intersexuality)

(15)      Layyanul Izam (Osteolmalacia)

(16)     Amraaze Niswan mein hormone se Ilaaj (Hormonal Therapy in Gynaecological Disorders)

 (17)     Uqr (Infertility)

(18)      Khandani Mansooba Bandi wa Manae Hamal tadabeer (Family Planning & Contraceptive measures)

(19)      Amraaze Saddyain ( Diseases of Breast)

(i) Iltihabe Saddyain (Mastitis)

(ii) Khuraje Saddi (Breast Abscess)

(iii) Daweera wa Salaate Saddi (Cyst and tumours of Breast)

(20) Tahqeeqat wa Jarahiyaat (Investigations & Surgical Procedure )

(i)         Hormonal  Assay

(ii)        Cytological examinations

(iii)       Histopathological examinations

(iv)       Laparatomy

(v)        Laparascopy

(vi)       X-ray pelvis

(vii)      Laparascopy with dye instillation

(viii)     Tubal insuflation test

(ix)       Shipafe Reham (Hysterotomy)

(x)        Anbubi wa Reham Nigari ( Hystero-salpingography)

(xi)       Reham Barari (Hysterectomy)

(xii)           Ultra Sonogram of Pelvis and C.T.Scan Pelvis

(xiii)         Satahe Leefi Rehmi Barari ( Myomectomy)

(xiv)         Dilatation and Curettage

(xv)           Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)




Amraaze Atfaal (Paediatrics)


1.         Amraaze Atfaal ki Taskhees wa Ilaaj. (Diagnosis & management in paediatrics)

2.         Jadeed Tahqeekhat ki roshni mein Bachchon ki Tabai aur Ghair Tabai Nasho Numa (Normal and abnormal growth and development of children in the light of modern research)

3.         Amraaze Dimagh wa Asaab (Diseases of Central Nervous System)

            (i)         Istisqae Dimaghi (Hydrocephalus)

(ii)        Iltihabe Aghashiyae Dimaghi (Meningitis)

(iii)       Ummus Sibyan (Epilepsy),

(iv)       Tashannuje Atfaal (Convulsions),

 (v)       Kuzaz (Tetanus)

(vi)       Falije Atfaal (Poliomyelitis),

(vii)      Daur Raqs (Chorea)

(viii)     Falije Dimaghi (Cerebral palsy).

4.         Amraaze Ain (Diseases of eye).

            (i)         Hawal (Squint)

(ii)        Ramad (Conjunctivitis)

(iii)       Shaeera (Stye)

(iv)       Sulaq (Blepharitis)

            (v)        Jarabul Ajfaan (Trachoma)

(vi)       Wadqa (Chalazion).

5.         Amraaze Uzn (Diseases of ear)

(i)         Iltihabe  Uzn (Inflammation of ear)

(ii)        Qazaul Uzn (Foreign body in the ear)

(iii)       Infijare Ghishae Tabli (Perforation of tympanic membrane.

6.         Amraaze Anaf (Diseases of nose)

            (i)         Ru’af / Nakseer (Epistaxis),

(ii)        Nazla wa Zukam (Common cold),

(iii)       Qazaul Anaf (Foreign body in the nose).

7.         Amraaze Dehan (Oral diseases)

            (i)         Qulaa (Stomatitis),

(ii)        Iltihabe Lisaan (Glossitis),

(iii)       Quroohe Dehan (Ulcers of the mouth).

8.         Amraaze  Halaq (Diseases of throat)

(i).        Khunnaq (Diphtheria)

(ii).       Iltihabe Louzatain (Tonsilitis)

(iii).      Iltihabe Hanjra (Laryngitis).

            (iv)       Iltihabe Ghuddae Nak’fia (Mumps or Parotitis).

9.         Amraaze Tanaffus (Diseases of respiratory tract).

            (i)         Surfa (Cough)

(ii)        Shaheeqa (Whooping Cough)

(iii)       Zeequn Nafas (Bronchial Asthma)

(iv)       Zaatur Ria (Pneumonia)

            (v)        Zaatul Janb (Pleurisy)

(vi) Tadarrune Reivi (Pulmonary Tuberculosis).

10.  Amraaze Qalb (Diseases of Heart)

            (i)  Mauroosi Amraaze Qalb (Congenital Heart Diseases).

(ii) Hudari Amraaze Qalb (Rheumatic Heart Diseases).

l1.    Amraaze Meda wa Jigar (Diseases of Stomach &Liver )

            (i)   Fawaq (Hiccough)

(ii) Qai (Vomiting)

(iii) Tashannuje Shikam (Abdominal colic)

(iv) Kasrate Humoozate Medi (Hyperacidity)

(v) Iltihabe Kabid (Hepatitis)

(vi) Yarqaane Atfaal (Jaundice in Children)

(vii) Talayyufe Kabide Atfaal (Cirrhosis of Liver in Children)

12. Amraaze Am’a wa Maqad (Diseases of intestine & rectum)

            (i)   Qabz (Constipation)

(ii) Is’haal (Diarrhoea)

(iii) Qillate Maa (Dehydration)

(iv) Tadaruk Qillate Maa (Rehydration)

(v) Deedane Ama (Intestinal Worms)

(vi) Tadarrune Ama (Interstinal Tuberculosis)

(vii) Khurooje Maqad (Rectal Prolapse)

(viii) Iltihabe Maqad (Proctitis)

(ix) Hikkatul Maqad (Pruritus in Ano)

            (x)  Quroohul Maqad (Ulcers in Rectum).

13. Amraaze Tanasulyaa (Diseases of genital tract)

            (i)  Zeequl Ghalfa (Phimosis)

(ii) Qeelae Maiya (Hydrocele)

(iii) Fataq (Hernia)

14. Nuqaise Ghiza (Nutritional disorders).

(i) Amaraze Kamie Hayateen (Vitamin deficiency diseases)                                  

            (ii)  Sooul Qiniya / Qillattuddam (Anaemia),

            (iii) Naqse Taghzia (Malnutrition).

15. Amraaze Majrae Baul (Diseases of Urinary Tract)

(i) Iltihabe Killiya (Nephritis),

(ii) Iltihabe Majrae Baul (Uretheritis),

16. Amraaze Mutaddi ( Infectious Diseases) (i) Judri or Chechak (Smallpox),

(ii) Humeeqa (Chicken pox),

(iii) Husba / Khasra (Measles),

(iv) Hummae Danj (Dengue Fever),

(v) Hummae Qirmiziya (Scarlet Fever),

(vi) Surkh Bada (Erysipelas),

(vii) Jarab wa Hikka (Scabies & Pruritis).

17. Manaati Schedule (Immunization Schedule),

18. Thalassaemia,

19. Mizaje Nuzfi (Haemophilia)

20. Kussahul Izaam (Rickets).



History taking and Gynaecology Examination.

Instruments used in the  Gynaecological Examination, diagnosis and surgical proceedures..

Preparation of at least 20  case sheets (history sheets) in a record book of Gynaecology/Paediatric Patients.

Intra-uterine contraceptive device. (I.U.C.D)




Amraaze Niswan wa Atfaal  wa Ilmul Qabalat

(Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Diseases of new born)

             Paper – II ( Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraaze Nau moulood)

1. Zanana aazae touleed ki tashreeh (Anatomy of female reproductive organs)

2. Aana ka tafseeli bayan (Detail description of female pelvis and diameters)

3. Raase Janeen (Fetal skull).

4. Afaale aamale Touleed (Physiology of reproduction)

5. Tabyouz, Amale baarawari, Amale Tanseeb aur Janeeni Irteqa (Ovulation,

Fertilization, Implantation and development of foetus)

6. Janeeni daorane khoon (Foetal circulaltion)

7. Rahal / rutubate amniosi (Amniotic fluid)

8. Ghishae saqite Rehami (Deciduas)

9. Aghshiya janeen (Fetal mambranes)

10. Qillate Rehal (Oligohydramnios)

11. Kasrate Rehal (Polyhydramnios)

12. Tabaee wa ghair tabaee Masheema (Normal and abnormal placenta)

13 Tabaee wa ghair tabaee Hablus surrah (Normal umbilical cord and its abnormalities)

14. Hamal (Pregnancy)

            Hamal ki tabaee tagayyurat (Physiological changes in pregnancy)

            Hamal ki alamaat wa nishania (Signs and symptoms of pregnancy)

            Hamal ki takhkhees (Diagnosis of pregnancy)

            Hamal ki aqsaam (Types of pregnancy)

            Hamale kazib ( Pseudopregnancy)

15. Hamala ki nigah daasht (Antenatal care)

16. Janeeni ash’kal - Qabalati istilahaat (Foetus in utero - Obstetric terminology)

17. Tabaee wazae Hamal mechaniya wa intezam (Natural labour, mechanism and management)

            Ghair tabaee wazae Hamal (Abnormal labour and its management)

            Ghair tabaee taqdeemat/ tatreeqat (Abnormal presentation)

            Hamal tawam wa hamal adid (Twins and multiple pregnancy)

            Munabis A’na (Contracted pelvis)

            Khafeef Amraaze hamal Minor elements of pregnancy)

Gasiyan sabah (Morning sickness), Qabz (Constipation), Bawaseer (Haemorrhoids)

Tahabbuj (Oedema), Hikkatul Furz (Pruritus vulva), Saher (Insomnia),

Vareede dawwali (Varicosity).

            Tibbi wa jarhi amraaz daurane hamal (Medical and surgical disorders during pregnancy)

Qillatuddam (Anaemia), Qaiul hamal Hyperemesis gravidarum), Tasammumuddam (Toxaemia of pregnancy), Fisharddum ba wajeh hamal ( Pregnancy induced hypertension), Pesh inshenaj, Inshenaj (Pre eclampshia, Eclampsia), Baule zulali

(Albuminuria/proteinuria), Jiryanuddam qabale viladat (Antepartum haemorrhage)

Masheema muqaddama (Placenta previa), Ittefaqi jiryanuddam (Abruptio placenta or accidental haemorrhage)

Hamal ki tisri darje ki awarizath (Complication of IIIrd  stage of labour)

Jiryanuddam badul viladat ( Post partum haemorrhage),

Mashima ka kulli ya juzvi taur per rahem mein rukna (Retention of placenta)

Zamane nifas aur iske awarizath (Puerperium and its complications)

Hamale kharejur reham (Ectopic pregnancy)

Isqaath (Abortion)

Janini mauth (Foetal death)

Qabaalate amliyath wa jarahiyath ( Obstetrical procedures & surgical procedures)

Gardeesh (Version), Khataul ijaan (Episiotomy), Mulqati wazae hamal  (Forcep’s delivery), Shigafe khaisari (Caesarean section)

Takhribi dasthkariyan – murda janeen ko nikalne ke liye (Destruction procedures to remove dead foetus ), Qatul jumjuma/ Qhatae Shighafi (Craniotomy), Qataur raas (Decapitation), Ikhrajul ahsha (Evisceration), Qataul tarqawa (Cleidotomy), Qataul fuqraat (Sondylotomy).


Amraaze Nau maulood (Neonatal diseases)

Nau maulood ki nigahdasht (Neonatal care)

Tabaee haalat (Physical condition), Razaat (Feeding), Manaat (Primary immunization), Qabl az waqt nau maulood (Premature baby), Nau maulood baad az tabaee muddat hamal (Postmature baby).    

 Amraaze nau maulood (Neonatal Diseases)

Habse tanaffus ( Asphyxia neonatorum), Ashobe chashm nau maulood (Ophthalmia neonatorum), Yarquane nau maulood (Icterus neonatorum), Tashannuj nau maulood (Convulsion of new born), Khalqi ateshak ( Congenital syphilis), Is’haale nau maulood ( Infantile diarrhea).


Nau maulood ki khalqi bad wazaeyan (Congenital deformities of new born)

Istisqaae Dimaghi (Hydrocephalus), Adam Dimaghi (Ancephaly), Sighre Dimaghi (Microcephaly), Down ka alamia (Down’s syndrome), Qalb ke khalqi amraaz (Congenital Heart diseases of neonates).



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